We cordially invite you to participate in the POD Network’s 44th Annual Conference to be held in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, November 13–17, 2019, at the David L. Lawrence Convention Center (DLLCC). The DLLCC is the first LEED-certified convention center in North America and one of the first in the world.

Registration is now open!

The 2019 Conference Program Draft is now available.

Scroll down for full details (including links to make hotel reservations) or jump to a section using the sidebar to the right.

Roommate Assistance

If you are hoping to find a roommate for this year’s POD Conference in Pittsburgh, please fill out our roommate request form. Sharing a room is a great way to reduce costs, and it can enrich your conference experience. We’ll collect your responses with this simple form and try to match you up as quickly as possible.

Please direct questions regarding Roommate Assistance to coordinators Lindsay Wheeler ([email protected]) and Jonathan Chenoweth ([email protected]).

Hotel/Schedule Overview

We have blocks of guest rooms reserved in three hotels, all at the rate of $189/night. The Westin Pittsburgh is connected to the convention center via walkway. The other two conference hotels, the William Penn Omni and Embassy Suites, are approximately two blocks from the convention center. Our group-rated guest rooms tend to fill quickly, so please make your reservation as soon as you can.

Pre-Conference workshops begin Wednesday, November 13, 1:00–4:30 pm, and continue on Thursday, November 14, 8:30 am–12:00 noon. Regular concurrent sessions begin Thursday at 1:30PM and end on Saturday at 5:30PM. The conference ends on Sunday at 10AM after our Anchor Session with Sarah Rose Cavanagh.

Note: the registration/info area and all sessions, workshops, breaks, and events will be held in the convention center.

This year’s conference theme is: Connection: Closing the Distance

To lead, support, and inspire meaningful change within our institutions, learning environments, and in our profession, it is essential that we build and foster connections—between faculty, students of all levels, administrators, programs, institutions, the wider higher ed community, and evolving educational tools such as technologies and social media. Effective teaching and learning requires evidence-based intentionality, but within a network of strong relationships.

Review the Call for Proposals for this year’s conference.

Please plan to join us to build connection while sharing your research and practices using various modes of presentation and engagement.

  • Paul Gebb, Conference Co-Chair
  • Antonia Levy, Conference Co-Chair
  • Claudia Cornejo Happel, Program Co-Chair
  • German Vargas Ramos, Program-Co-Chair
  • Hoag Holmgren, POD Network Executive Director

Conference Registration

All fees, outlined below, are in U.S. dollars and payment must be made in U.S. dollars.

  • Please note that the conference registration fee includes the designated conference meals, coffee breaks, and receptions. Registration includes three full breakfasts (Friday, Saturday, Sunday), two dinners (Thursday and Friday) and daily coffee/tea breaks.
  • This year we will be forgoing the usual Saturday lunch in response to requests for more unstructured networking time. So Saturday lunch is on your own. You may go off-site for lunch or buy lunch at a buffet station in the convention center. The three breakfasts (Friday, Saturday, Sunday) will be upgraded to full breakfasts and we will be offering snacks during some of the coffee/tea breaks. We hope you like the change; let us know!
  • Pre-conference workshops, educational excursions, and tables at the Exhibit Hall have additional fees and can be added to your conference order from this page.

Refund Policy: A full refund, minus $25 USD processing fee, will be made if cancellation is received by October 1. A $75 USD cancellation fee will be retained for cancellations received from October 2–15. Other than in the case of personal emergency, no refunds can be made after October 15. Substitutions in attendees may be made at any time. Because of transportation scheduling and contracts, refunds for excursions will be honored only if you cancel your entire conference registration before October 1.

CONFERENCE FEES Early-bird rates
(register by end of day, October 15)
Regular Rates
(Register from October 16 to November 14)
On-Site Rates
(Register on November 15 or after)
Member $625 $690 $760
Non-member $790 $855 $940
Students/Retires $375 $415 $460
One Day Only (member) $290 $320 $350
One Day Only (non-member) $365 $395 $435
One Day Only (students/retires) $175 $190 $210

Conference registration fees do not include membership dues. If you would like to register at the lower, POD Network member rate, you must already be a member or you must renew or join before you register for the conference. Scroll down for pricing option details.

POD Member
44th Annual Conference

44th Annual Conference

Meals Only Guests


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You can specify additional guests on the cart page.

Meals Only Guests

Add meals-only guests for those who may accompany you to meals but are not attending conference sessions. The cost per guest is $325 each through October 4, and $350 each from October 5 through the end of the conference. Single guest meal tickets will be available on-site at the registration desk for $40/breakfast and $70/dinner.

Overview of the POD Network and its Mission

The POD Network

The POD Network supports a network of approximately 1,300 members who have an interest in educational and organizational development. While POD Network members come primarily from the USA and Canada, the membership also represents 18 other countries. Through its members, the POD Network leads and supports change for the improvement of higher education through faculty, instructional, and organizational development.

The POD Network seeks to promote the scholarship of teaching, learning, and organizational development that reflects a spirit of inclusion, where all members are invited to collaborate and interact with colleagues across disciplines and borders.

The POD Network Mission

The mission of the Professional and Organizational Development Network in Higher Education (POD Network) is to provide a community for scholars and practitioners who advance teaching and learning through faculty and organizational development.

Overview of the Annual Conference

Last year, the POD Network conference attracted over 1000 people. This event primarily targets practitioners in the fields of educational and organizational development, both novice and experienced. The conference appeals to administrators, faculty, educational developers, graduate and professional student developers, graduate students, independent consultants, members of higher education organizations, and publishers for these communities.

Collectively, program sessions do the following:

  • Actively engage participants
  • Reflect current research and theoretical frameworks
  • Involve colleagues from around the world
  • Address needs of graduate students and both new and experienced faculty
  • Stimulate personal growth
  • Build working partnerships
  • Highlight contributions of diversity

Plenary Sessions

Plenary #1: Dr. Michelle D. Miller

Connecting Teaching to Evidence: Five Gaps and How We Can Bridge Them

Friday, November 15, 10:30 am–12:00 noon, Ballroom A
Dr. Michelle Miller
About Michelle Miller

Educational developers are expert connectors. By bringing together the right people, ideas, and resources, we advance our most cherished cause: expanding access to higher learning.  As they work to accomplish this goal, today’s educational developers can draw on a massive and still-growing base of knowledge on how people learn. But is our field truly taking advantage of this evidence base, as consistently and as powerfully as it could? Missed opportunities for bringing theory to practice happen because of critical disconnections between the research base and the entities with the power to act on that research. In this interactive keynote presentation, Dr. Michelle Miller will identify these gaps, explain why they exist, and invite participants to take action to close these gaps for good.

Dr. Michelle D. Miller is Director of the First Year Learning Initiative, Professor of Psychological Sciences, and President’s Distinguished Teaching Fellow at Northern Arizona University. Dr. Miller completed her Ph.D. in cognitive psychology and behavioral neuroscience at the University of California, Los Angeles. Her research interests include memory, attention, and student success in the early college career.

Dr. Miller co-created the First Year Learning Initiative at Northern Arizona University and is active in course redesign, serving as a Redesign Scholar for the National Center for Academic Transformation. She is the author of Minds Online: Teaching Effectively with Technology, and she has written about evidence-based pedagogy in scholarly as well as general-interest publications including College Teaching, Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning, the Chronicle of Higher Education, and The Conversation.

Dr. Miller is passionate about helping instructors create more effective and engaging learning experiences, and helping students become more effective learners, all through the application of principles derived from cognitive psychology and learning sciences.

Plenary #2: President’s Plenary Panel

Examining the Landscape to Advance Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Higher Education

Saturday, November 16, 10:30 am–12:00 noon, Ballroom A

Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) are of critical importance for higher education institutions and a strategic priority in the POD Network’s current strategic plan. The call for proposals for this conference asked how we as educational developers can promote intentionality to reverse the marginalization of historically underserved and underrepresented populations and make connections with organizational stakeholders to leverage change regarding DEI. Our intention for this presidential plenary session is to begin making such connections with panelists who represent a variety of stakeholders. The session aims to help us increase our capacity to advance DEI by providing additional knowledge about other contexts and helping us understand the nuances that can inform our work. Panelists will prompt us to think beyond our confines to consider what challenges and opportunities exist nationally, within our institutions, within our client groups, and within ourselves. Participants will consider how we might leverage this broader understanding to advance equity and inclusion in our organizations and through our roles.

Panelists: Jamal Watson, Diverse Issues in Higher Education; Sonia DeLuca Fernández, Penn State; Angela Linse, POD Network 

Moderator: Cheryl Richardson, University of Chicago

Full Day Pre Conference Workshops

This year’s full-day Pre-Conference Workshops begin Wednesday, November 13, 1:00–4:30 pm, and continue on Thursday, November 14, 8:30 am–12:00 noon.

W1 Getting Started Workshop for New Faculty Developers

Breakfast on Thursday is included for participants of W1. In addition, participants of W1 receive a copy of Faculty Development in the Age of Evidence by Andrea Beach, Mary Deane Sorcinelli, Ann E. Austin, and Jaclyn K. Rivard.

  • Debra Rudder Lohe, Saint Louis University
  • Amber Young-Brice, Marquette University
  • Daniel Mann, UCI Irvine
  • Suzanne Tapp, Texas Tech University
  • Leslie Ortquist-Ahrens, Berea College
  • Deandra Little, Elon University
  • Jim Berg, Borough of Manhattan Community College

This highly interactive workshop orients new(er) educational developers to the field. Participants will consider selected educational development research and foundational practices and will reflect on priorities for their own contexts. Specific components of the workshop include skill-building for: consulting with individuals and groups; developing effective programming; and assessing educational development work at the individual and program/center level. Participants will leave the session with a big-picture view of educational development, enhanced educational development skills, a set of resources to guide continuing development, and a support network to help them achieve their goals.

Audience: New/Recent Educational Developers (5 years or less)

W2 POD Writes Workshop

  • Eric Fournier, Samford University
  • Lindsay Bernhagen, University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point

THIS WORKSHOP IS NOW CLOSED:  POD Writes initiative is a collaborative research and writing program that brings together POD members to collectively create a SoTL publication. The program involves a full day of face-to-face work immediately prior to the annual POD conference and includes remote collaborative work before and after this hands-on workshop. Ultimate goal for each group is to create a manuscript suitable for publication in To Improve the Academy. We welcome researchers at all stages and will lead participants through steps designed to generate and refine ideas, stimulate diverse avenues of inquiry, and work together to produce scholarly articles.

Note: In order to be considered for one of the writing teams, participants must pre-register for this workshop by October 4, 2019 (the early bird deadline for conference registration). Registration is limited to 30 participants.

Audience: POD Network Members

W3 Flip the Scrip’: Critical Self-Awareness about Identity and Power in the Field of Educational Development
  • Chandani Patel, New York University
  • Cheryl Richardson, University of Delaware
  • Daniel Guberman, Purdue University
  • Riley Caldwell-O’Keefe, Amherst College

How do our identities and positionalities as educational developers within specific institutional structures impact our ability to support and advance inclusive academic cultures? This session explores research in educational development, critical pedagogy, intercultural competence, and affect theory to examine the interplay of identity, emotions, and power for the professional development of educational developers. We will explore relational frameworks through the lens of identity, power, and privilege, unpack the practical implications of these dynamics within affinity groups, and build institutionally specific and identity-based strategies to create more equitable educational development career pathways for participants fueled by ongoing critical self-awareness.

Audience: POD Network Members

W4 Designing Effective Teaching and Significant Learning: A Blueprint for Success
  • Zala Fashant, Minnesota University
  • Stewart Ross, Minnesota State University

Faculty and instructional designers understand the importance of delivering quality courses. Through team-based learning activities, participants will apply the elements of design to their courses, use hands-on materials to integrate course design and develop the alignment of course outcomes, assessments and learning activities. Evolving beyond integrating the course design, participants will expand their course design blueprint to include developing course communication plans, creating ADA-accessibility learning materials, integrating learning technologies, and assessing course design quality to deliver significant learning. Having delivered 175 workshops and courses, the presenters will share examples of how faculty used the taxonomy to create high-quality courses.

Audience: Faculty and faculty who are also part-time educational developers; Center Directors; Instructional Designers, Technologists, and Technology Integration Specialists

Half-Day Pre Conference Workshops

Half-Day workshops W5 through W13 are held on Thursday, November 14, 8:30 am–12:00 noon. Breakfast is not included with half-day workshops. All half-day workshops are $70.

W5 Creating Programs to Support Adjunct Faculty Development
  • Douglas Jerolimov, Indiana University—Purdue University Indianapolis
  • Thomas McManus Fox, Harrisburg University of Science and Technology
  • Mandy McGrew, Kennesaw State University
  • Sarah Oliver, Creighton University
  • Laurie Grupp, Providence College

Adjunct faculty make-up more than 50% of the teaching force in American higher education. Therefore, it is essential that faculty developers think about and create programming for this population. Using the Delphi Project model, facilitators from the Adjunct/Part-Time Faculty SIG will walk participants through their understanding of adjunct faculty needs, sharing that understanding with stakeholders, and offering strategies in response. The workshop will provide opportunities for participant collaboration to develop an action plan for their institution. Participants will explore programming options to help integrate their adjunct faculty into a culture of teaching using workshops, learning communities, etc.

Audience: Adjunct & Part-time Faculty; Administrators (Assoc. Deans, Deans, Vice Provosts, Assoc. VPs); POD Network Members

W6 Responding to Challenges and Opportunities: Years 2 Through 8 as an Educational Developer
  • Esther Jordan, Kennesaw State University
  • Michele DiPietro, Kennesaw State University
  • Joshua Eyler, Rice University
  • Anna Flaming, University of Iowa
  • Claire Lamonica, Illinois State University
  • Julia Metzker, Stetson University
  • Kimberly Whiter, Jefferson College of Health Sciences

Congratulations—you’re doing educational development! What are the opportunities, challenges, and risks before you: reaching all constituents, budgeting, prioritizing, advocating, establishing professional identity, evaluating your program, meeting increased demands? This session offers early and mid-career educational developers an opportunity to consult with peers and experienced mentors. Prior to the session, participants select an issue they want to examine closely. The session provides a safe place to collaborate with colleagues, reflecting on their specific issues, and together, identifying strategies. The process helps professionals build a sense of efficacy as leaders and establish relationships with colleagues across the career spectrum.

Audience: New/recent educational developers (5 years or less); Administrators (Assoc. Deans, Deans, Vice Provosts, Assoc. VPs)

W7 Using Data to Promote Effective Educational Development Planning and Practice
  • Bonnie Mullinix, Walden University
  • Carol Hurney, Colby College
  • R. Todd Benson, Harvard Graduate School of Education

This workshop engages participants in considering what data is most useful to inform educational development practices. Grounded in strategic planning constructs, participants will examine how national datasets inform assessment and program development (e.g., FSSE-Faculty Survey of Student Engagement and COACHE-Collaborative on Academic Careers in Higher Education). Participants will analyze a dataset from POD/COACHE partnership that includes items designed for educational developers. Additionally, participants will explore institutional and center data sources that support assessment and planning efforts. Finally, participants will review recent tools (e.g., syllabus rubrics, classroom observation protocols, and other instruments) that can complement their data portfolio.

Audience: Administrators (Assoc. Deans, Deans, Vice Provosts, Assoc. VPs); Center Directors; Experienced Educational Developers

W8. Leadership: Transforming Ourselves and Enhancing Faculty, Staff, and Student Performance
  • Esther Zirbel, Educational Coaching Consultant

This workshop of leading with soul, heart, and mind combines five research-based leadership models into one coherent framework.  The soul section focuses on identifying core values and strengths; the heart section on using the emotional and social/conversational intelligences to understand leadership practices; and the mind section on applying results from cognitive neuroscience to lead consciously, deliberately, and responsibly.  Through a series of exercises, faculty developers will learn how leading with soul, heart, and mind will foster meaningful connections among faculty, staff, and students. By transforming themselves and influencing others, they will enhance teaching and learning at their institution.

Audience: Experienced Educational Developers; New/recent educational developers (5 years or less); Administrators (Assoc. Deans, Deans, Vice Provosts, Assoc. VPs)

W9. Game On: Motivating Faculty to Engage in Instructional Development
  • Lori Ann Mumpower, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
  • James J. Pembridge, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
  • Michael Berta, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

Gamification, the use of game mechanics and experiences in non-gaming environments, can motivate faculty to instructional behavior changes. This workshop draws upon faculty motivations to redesign a faculty development program, using gamification as a framework. Participants will learn about gamification, select game mechanics based on user motivation types, generate program activities based on game mechanics, initiate design plans for a faculty development experience, and develop their own gamified faculty development experience.

Audience: Center Directors; Experienced Educational Developers

W10. Learning Relationships: How to Develop Student-Faculty Pedagogical Partnerships
  • Melanie Bahti, University of Pennsylvania
  • Alison Cook-Sather, Bryn Mawr College
  • Anita Ntem, Democracy Prep Public Schools

Numerous academic developers who have launched student-faculty pedagogical partnership programs contributed to a soon-to-be-published resource: Student-Faculty Pedagogical Partnerships in the Classroom and Curriculum: A How-To Guide for Faculty, Students, and Academic Developers in Higher Education (Elon University Center for Engaged Learning Open-Access Series). In this session, participants will draw on this resource to explore: key questions and assumptions about pedagogical partnerships; the logistical, cultural, and emotional challenges of partnership; and launching and evaluating partnership work. Through individual reflection, engaging activities, and group dialogue, participants will consider how to develop partnership programs in their respective contexts.

Audience: Faculty and faculty who are also part-time educational developers; Center Directors;  New/recent educational developers (5 years or less)

W11. Developing Students’ Academic Identities through Deeper Reading and Metacognitive Conversation
  • Emily Daniell Magruder, California State University
  • Nika Hogan, California Community Colleges Success Network

Working with academic texts is an “insider’s” game. Students, particularly those from historically underserved and underrepresented populations, often feel outside disciplinary traditions, conventions, and practices. How can faculty help students learn from each other to embrace difficult academic texts and view reading as problem-solving? In this workshop, participants will examine the Reading Apprenticeship instructional framework, practice three classroom routines for building academic literacy through deeper reading, and review how two- and four-year institutions are providing networked professional learning to change faculty teaching practices and create equitable learning opportunities for students with varying levels of academic preparation.

Audience: Faculty and faculty who are also part-time educational developers; Center Directors; POD Network Members

W12. Facilitating a Transformative Curriculum Design Process
  • Teresa A. Johnson, The Ohio State University
  • Stephanie Rohdieck, The Ohio State University

Educational developers are frequently asked to consult with units or departments on curriculum design or renewal.  We will share our structured process for curriculum design and assessment planning which is based on a scaled-up version of Backward Design. Participants will work through aspects of curriculum design, both as faculty and facilitators, using a model curriculum. They will engage in role-plays, case studies, and reflection about their role in facilitating a process where multiple stakeholders and interest groups can successfully leverage unit-level change through collaborative participation of the entire instructional community.

Audience: POD Network Members; Experienced Educational Developers

W13. Connected Teaching: Navigating the Complexity of Educational Interactions and Relationships
  • Harriet L. Schwartz, Carlow University

How do we help faculty and graduate students engage intentionally in teaching interactions and relationships? In this session, faculty developers will explore teaching as a relational practice, with a focus on power, position, and relational clarity as foundational and strategic approaches to understanding and navigating the very human endeavor of teaching. Participants will engage with the material by applying concepts to their own teaching or supervision experiences and then working in small teams to outline a relevant training session or practice coaching via role plays. This session is based on Relational Cultural Theory and the presenter’s program of research.

Audience: New/recent educational developers (5 years or less); Faculty and faculty who are also part-time educational developers; Graduate and Professional Students and Postdocs (and those who work with them)

Concurrent Sessions

A full schedule of concurrent sessions will be available here in early fall 2019. Concurrent sessions begin on Thursday at 1:30 pm.

75-minute Interactive Sessions

Interactive sessions combine brief presentations or panel discussions with methods that engage all participants, reflecting the POD Network’s long-standing tradition of interactive, collegial sessions.

Co-chairs Ronit Ajlen, University of Michigan, and Francesca Minonne, Boston College.

75-minute Roundtable Discussions

Roundtable discussions provide an opportunity for various kinds of interactions in a smaller group setting (10–15 people), such as discussion of a concept, approach, program, issue, case study, or reading.

Co-chairs Marina Smitherman, and Meg Mitelstadt, University of Georgia.

35-minute Research Presentations

Research sessions include a presentation and discussion of new or ongoing educational, professional, or organizational development research. Session leaders present their original research for the first 20–25 minutes, reserving 10–15 minutes for Q&A.

Co-chairs Shelly Bayer, South Dakota State University, and Lauren Barbeau, Georgia Southern University.

Poster Sessions

The poster session provides an ideal format for presenting in a context where colleagues can engage in many one-on-one discussions, facilitated by well-designed posters, as well as supplemental materials.

Co-chairs Jennifer Jefferson, St. Edward’s University, and Kirsten Helmer, University of Massachusetts.

Special Sessions

Sarah Rose Cavanaugh

Sunday Anchor Session

Sunday, 8:30–10:00 am

The Anchor Session, a blind-reviewed accepted session that has particular importance and/or broad interest to POD Network membership, is chosen by the Conference Committee.

This year’s Anchor Session, “Honey Bees, Social Neuroscience, & Team Dynamics: Lessons for Building Community,” will be led by Sarah Rose Cavanagh and will be held on Sunday morning, 8:30–10:00 am. A sense of community in the classroom contributes to effective learning. While traditional pedagogical literature speaks to methods of building community within the classroom, we can also look outside our intellectual silos to other academic disciplines studying effective collaborative groups. In this interactive session, we’ll consider powerful research investigating team dynamics in simulated space missions, the social neuroscience of how the brain embeds our social others in our very sense of self, and even how honeybees make collective decisions together. Through interactive activities, we will work together to understand and apply these lessons to the work of the classroom.

About the presenter:

Sarah Rose Cavanagh is a psychologist, professor, and Associate Director of the D’Amour Center for Teaching Excellence at Assumption College. Her research considers whether the strategies people choose to regulate their emotions and the degree to which they successfully accomplish this regulation can predict trajectories of psychological functioning over time. Her most recent research project, funded by the Davis Educational Foundation, focuses on whether giving students tools from emotion regulation at the start of class can improve their same-day and semester-long learning. Sarah’s first book, The Spark of Learning: Energizing the College Classroom with the Science of Emotion, was published in 2016 and her second book, HIVEMIND: The New Science of Tribalism in Our Divided World, was published in 2019. She gives keynote addresses and workshops at a variety of colleges and regional conferences, blogs for Psychology Today, and writes essays for The Chronicle of Higher Education. She’s also on Twitter too much, at @SaRoseCav.

POD Unconference (POD-U)

Co-chairs Diane Boyd ([email protected]), Enoch Hale ([email protected]) and Patty Payette ([email protected]).

The POD Unconference (POD-U) track provides conference participants with opportunities to engage in peer-to-peer learning, collaborative activities, and creative experiences. Similar to unconferences held at other events, POD-U sessions are a primarily participant-driven track, allowing participants to decide what topics and discussions take place. These just-in-time learning experiences are an excellent opportunity for individuals to share what they know or to learn about something new.

These sessions facilitate a range of activities, including discussing challenges members are facing at their institutions, sharing resources, discussing ideas or issues that emerge during the conference, solving a problem, developing new resources, or simply meeting others with similar (and diverse) interests. Look for POD-U interactive sessions identified throughout the program.

Birds of a Feather

Birds of a Feather (BoFs) sessions are informal conversations designed to foster relationships between experienced educational developers and colleagues new to the field, and are intended to promote more meaningful interaction and deeper relationships than can sometimes occur during regular conference sessions. Each BoFs session is facilitated by an experienced educational developer with expertise in a particular topic. All sessions take place on Friday from 7:30–8:45 am. More information on specific BOFs will be available late summer 2019, as well as in the Conference Program.

Please contact BOF coordinators for more information: Adriana Streifer, University of Virginia ([email protected]) and Teresa Focarile, Boise State University ([email protected]).

Information for Presenters

We are glad to have you as part of the POD Network 2019 conference program. Below are various pieces of information that will help you best prepare for your conference session. If you have questions prior to the conference, contact Conference Co-Chairs Paul Gebb ([email protected]) and/or Antonia Levy ([email protected]). If you have questions or needs during the conference, please stop by the registration desk.

Inclusivity and Accessibility Guidelines

The information on the Inclusivity and Accessibility Guidelines page will help you make your presentation and associated materials more accessible and meaningful to a wider variety of participants. We encourage you to read this page early in the development of your session, since it includes important inclusivity suggestions as well as technical/formatting tips.


This year we will again have microphones in every room (except for Roundtable rooms), and we strongly encourage you to use them. Many of us claim we have a “teacher voice” that can carry, but some participants may still need the amplification to hear well. So please use the microphone, and pass it around during Q&A or discussion.

Audio/Visual Support

Projectors will be supplied for all Pre-Conference Workshops, Interactive Sessions, and Research Sessions (Roundtable Sessions will not have projectors). Both VGA and HDMI cables will be with each projector; you are responsible for providing your own laptop, as well as any adapter needed to connect to either the VGA or HDMI cable. You will also be able to connect your laptop’s audio to the sound system in each room; a standard audio cable will be provided.

Wi-Fi will be available in each room, but since this network will be used by all conference participants, we encourage you to download any presentation materials—especially videos—in advance, rather than trying to access them online during your session.

We will have hotel AV support people available if something doesn’t work, but please try to get set up as soon as you can after the previous session so we have time to get that help to you.

Printing and Supplies

Each room will contain a flipchart on an easel, as well as some markers. If you need an additional flip chart or lots of markers, please let us know in advance. If you need other materials—note cards, Post-it notes, masking tape for mounting paper on walls, etc.—please bring these yourselves, since it is difficult for us to keep up with the unique needs of 15 simultaneous sessions over three days.

You are responsible for printing/copying any materials associated with your session. The conference hotel has a business center, providing computer and printing access 24 hours per day, plus an on-site USPS store, and a FedEx store on the adjacent block.

Room Information

Rooms for Interactive and Research Sessions will be set up with 8-person round tables; room sizes vary, but generally hold 60-80 people. Rooms for Roundtable Sessions will have an “open square” seating arrangement for approximately 40-50 people. Pre-conference workshops are generally scheduled in the larger rooms and may be reassigned based on registration numbers.

Poster Session

All posters should be 3×4 feet in size and will be mounted on a tri-fold board that we will provide. Your poster can be one 3’x4’ poster or smaller components attached to the panels (left and right panels of the tri-fold are 12.75″, and the center panel is 22.5″). The poster session is Friday 3:45-5:00 pm in East Atrium, and we will have someone there with the tri-folds, mounting materials, and further instructions starting at 3:00 pm. Please also see the Inclusivity/Accessibility Guidelines for some suggestions regarding posters. Note that we cannot provide power for the Poster Session; if you want to display something on a laptop, please make sure you have a fully-charged battery.

Reminder about Promoting Commercial Materials

The Exhibit Hall and Exhibitor Workshops are the only times at the conference when items or services may be promoted or offered for sale. Please refrain from promoting your own books or services during presentations.

Submitting Your Session Materials

Please follow these steps to submit materials for your session—slides, notes, and other resources.

  1. Create a new email to [email protected]
  2. The subject line of the email should include the last names of all presenters and the title of your session (e.g., Smith, Jones, and Johnson: Teaching without learning is just talking)
  3. Remove all existing content from the body of the email. Please note, if you have an email signature, please remove it as well (N.B.: the message will be available on the web)
  4. Paste the abstract from your session into the body of the email
  5. Attach any files you want to share; e.g., slides, handouts, and worksheets
  6. Send!
  7. Verify that your attachment was submitted successfully by searching for presenter or title at https://podnetwork.org/2019-pod-conference-session-materials/
  8. Remember, it’s essential to create a subject line with presenter name(s) and session title, because that will help people find your materials.

Pittsburgh Excursions

E1. Carnegie Science Center Family Fun

You can specify additional tickets on the cart page.

Bring your family to explore the Carnegie Science Center, a fun-filled destination guaranteed to ignite the “Wow!” in everyone with four floors of interactive exhibits. Marvel at astronomy in Buhl Planetarium, discover the science behind robotics in roboworld®, and learn about the human body in BodyWorks. Take a step back in time aboard our Cold War-era submarine, or watch model trains chug through western Pennsylvania in our Miniature Railroad & Village®.

Getting There: Participants will have the option to walk as a group leaving from the David L. Lawrence Convention Center East Lobby or meet us at the Carnegie Science Center (you will be responsible for transportation; taxi and Uber/ Lyft available). This is a 1.5 mile walk (approx. 30 minutes) along the Three Rivers Heritage trail.

  • Date: Thursday, November 14
  • Time: 9:30 am–1:00 pm (Meet in the Convention Center East Lobby at 9:30 am; if arranging your own transportation to the Carnegie Science Center meet in the museum lobby at 10:00 am).
  • Cost: $8 admission (children under 3 have free admission)
  • Maximum/minimum registration: 60/15
E2. Senator John Heinz History Center

You can specify additional tickets on the cart page.

Discover over 250 years of Pittsburgh history on a guided tour of the Heinz History Center. The tour will include the From Slavery to Freedom exhibition.This long-term exhibit, presented by BNY Mellon, highlights the enslavement of Africans and its impact on the American economy, the history of the anti-slavery movement, the Underground Railroad, and the impact of 19th century activism on the modern quest for civil and human rights in Pittsburgh. Following the tour you will have additional time for independent exploration.

Getting There: Participants will walk 5–6 minutes to the Heinz History Center (taxi and Uber/Lyft also available).

  • Date: Thursday, November 14
  • Time: 1:30 pm–4:00 pm (meet in convention center lobby at 1:15 pm)
  • Cost: $11 (admission and private group tour)
  • Maximum/minimum registration: 25/10
E3. Strip District Market Culinary Walking Tour

You can specify additional tickets on the cart page.

Taste your way through the Burgh! The Strip District Market tour features a behind-the-counter look at a variety of eateries in Pittsburgh’s historic market district. This tour links local history with the eating establishments peppered along Penn Avenue with taste samples from around the world including Italian pastries, Mediterranean and Polish specialties, European meats and cinnamon bread. Connecting people to communities through food is what we love to do!

  • Date: Friday, November 15
  • Time: 1:30 pm-4:00 pm (meet in Convention Center East Lobby at 1:15 pm)
  • Cost: $47
  • Maximum/minimum registration: 50/12
E4 Frick Park Nature Walk

You can specify additional tickets on the cart page.

Join your colleagues for nature and networking at Frick Park. “Known as Pittsburgh’s woodland park for its extensive trails throughout steep valleys and wooded slopes, Frick Park is an ideal escape from the noise of the city.” You will have a great chance to chat with colleagues while enjoying either the 4.9 or 3.2 mile Frick Park Tour Loop Trail (each hike will have a group leader) featuring a great forest setting. The trails are rated as moderate and you can select the trail on-site.

  • Date: Saturday, November 16
  • Time: 2:00 pm-5:30 pm (meet in Convention Center East Lobby at 2PM)
  • Cost: $15 (bus transportation to Frick Park)
  • Maximum/minimum registration: 45/15
E5 Revolution: The Beatles Symphonic Experience

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Celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Beatles’ greatest album, Abbey Road, with the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra. Revolution: The Beatles Symphonic Experience features new arrangements of “Come Together,” “Because,” “Here Comes the Sun,” “Hey Jude,” and many more hits from their catalogue, plus hundreds of rare and unseen photos of the Fab Four!

Getting There: Participants will walk 10 minutes to the Pittsburgh Symphony (taxi and Uber/Lyft also available).

  • Date: Saturday, November 16
  • Time: TBD (meet in Convention Center East Lobby to walk to the Symphony as a group)
  • Cost: $40 (reserved balcony seating)
  • Maximum/minimum registration: 25/10
E6 Fallingwater Tour

You can specify additional tickets on the cart page.

THIS EXCURSION HAS BEEN CANCELLED Fallingwater, designed in 1935 by renowned American architect Frank Lloyd Wright (1867–1959), is one of Wright’s most widely acclaimed works and best exemplifies his philosophy of organic architecture: the harmonious union of art and nature. Fallingwater is located in the mountains of Southwestern Pennsylvania, also known as the Laurel Highlands, in Mill Run, Pa. in Fayette County, which is about 70 miles east of Pittsburgh. The tour includes lunch.

  • Date: Sunday, November 17
  • Time: 10:15 am–5:00 pm (meet in Convention Center East Lobby at 10:15 pm)
  • Cost: $158 (includes admission to Fallingwater, transportation, and lunch)
  • Maximum/minimum registration: 25/10

Conference Buddy Program

Deadline: Tuesday, October 15, 2019

POD Conference Buddy Program


Are you new to POD and would like help navigating the conference? Are you an experienced POD member and willing to share tips on how to get the most out of the annual conference? If so, consider participating in the 2019 POD Conference Buddy Program! To participate, simply sign up when you register for the POD conference by Tuesday, October 15th.

The POD Conference Buddy program is designed to connect first-time attendees with other participants who are more familiar with the conference. The success of the Buddy program relies heavily on experienced POD attendees generously giving of their time and advice to new attendees. As with any professional organization, it is the people that make it special, and making new members feel welcome keeps the organization energized.

This is what some of our past participants had to say about their Buddy experience:

“I really enjoyed getting to know someone who has been involved in POD and could give me insight into ways to get the most out of POD.  It was also really fun to spend time getting to know about her work.”

“I was able to offer concrete advice about getting more involved in POD and educational development because our positions are so similar, and I was able to learn from my buddy about programs and workshops she runs for graduate students. As the experienced buddy, I was expecting to be a resource more than I expected to learn things myself, but it turned out that the relationship was mutually beneficial.”

Consider being a Buddy this year—you will not regret it.

Buddy groups will be matched—as best we can—based on shared interests, experiences, and institutional type in hopes that you will not only have a contact at the conference, but perhaps find a colleague to add to your professional network.

First-time POD Attendees


  • Follow-up with your assigned buddies prior to the conference
  • Meet with buddies early in the conference
  • Ask questions and be open to engage with new and experienced buddies
  • Share insights into your work and projects


  • Have a special contact person at the conference
  • Get your questions answered
  • Build your professional network
Returning POD Attendees


  • Contact your assigned buddies prior to the conference
  • Dedicate time to meeting with your buddies early in the conference
  • Offer advice on sessions to attend, conference events, ways to become more involved in POD, etc.
  • Share insights into your work and projects
  • Connect your buddies with other colleagues


  • Personify the welcoming spirit that characterizes the POD Network
  • Have the option of mentoring a new colleague beyond the conference

What to expect from the Buddy Planning Team

After you register you will receive an email with more details and a very short survey to help us match newcomers and experienced attendees as best as we can. After the deadline has passed, you will receive an email with further information, including contact information for your Buddy so that you can connect prior to the conference. The experience goes most smoothly when Buddies connect prior to the conference, and we encourage Buddies to reach out to one another via email, video conference or phone call at least one week prior to the conference. It has also been shown that meeting early in the conference is critical to a great Buddy experience!

If you have further questions, please contact the POD Buddy program team at: [email protected].

Again, to participate, simply sign up when you register for POD by Tuesday, October 15th.

Career Fair

The Career Fair will be held on Friday morning from 9:00–10:15 am. This session should be considered as networking “meet and greet” opportunity, not a time for formal interviews. Job candidates are likely to have more success if they meet face-to-face with potential employers rather than just dropping off a resume; the time can then be used to learn more about the position and the employing institution. Potential employers can use this time to plan a subsequent interview during the conference.

Graduate Student, Professional Student, & Postdoctoral Scholar Networking Lunch

The Graduate Student, Professional Student, and Postdoctoral Scholar Development (GPPD) Special Interest Group will host a networking lunch for graduate and professional students and postdoctoral scholars on Thursday, 12:00-1:00pm. This event provides an opportunity for graduate students, professional students, and postdocs to connect with each other early in the POD Network Conference. GPPD subcommittee chairs and invited representatives from POD leadership will be in attendance to facilitate conversation and provide guidance on participating in the conference. Please RSVP for this event when you register for the conference. NOTE: registration for this event is limited to graduate students, professional students, and postdocs only. There is no extra charge for this lunch. Lunch is otherwise on your own.

Resource Fair

The 2019 Resource Fair is full.

The Resource Fair provides a venue for participants to find or exchange information and resources relevant to our work as educational and organizational developers. This is a great opportunity to socialize while acquiring new information or by sharing activities, resources, and services that benefit the POD Network community. The Resource Fair features tables only from college- and university-affiliated programs and from non-profit organizations. The Resource Fair and Reception will be held on Friday evening from 5:15–6:45 pm. Materials and services may NOT be offered for sale or promoted for sale during the Resource Fair.

Note: If you wish to have a table at the Resource Fair, you must register for the conference and reserve your table in advance by checking the appropriate box on the conference registration form. You or your representative should plan to be at your table to talk with conference participants during the entire session. There is no fee. More information about the Resource Fair will be distributed in the early fall to those who have reserved a table by Resource Fair coordinators Gina Merys, Saint Louis University, Kathryn Nielsen, Merrimack College, and Deborah Walker, Georgia Southern University.

Exhibitors and Exhibitor Sessions

Exhibitors and Exhibitor Sessions


The Exhibit Hall will be held all day (roughly 8:00 am to 5:00 pm) on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Exhibitor tables and Exhibitor Sessions are the only places and times at the conference when items or services may be promoted or offered for sale. We welcome publishers, consultants, and others. If you wish to purchase a table at this event, you must reserve your place from one of three options:

  • Individual (3 days): $150 (for a self-employed person)
  • Individual (2 days): $100 for a self-employed person)
  • Corporate (3 days only): $400 (for businesses/corporations)

Hotel Information

Our discounted group hotel rate for all hotels below is $189/night.

The Westin Pittsburgh has the largest room block and is the closest to the convention center (connected via walkway). The William Penn Omni and Embassy Suites are both about 2 blocks away.

Registration check-in and ALL sessions, meals, workshops, receptions, breaks, meetings, and other events will be held in the David L. Lawrence Convention Center.

Westin Pittsburgh: click here to reserve a room for $189/night (connects to convention center; cut-off date is October 21 or until block of rooms run out)

William Penn Omni: click here to reserve a room for $189/night (two blocks away; cut-off date is October 21 or until block of rooms run out)

Embassy Suites: click here to reserve a room for $189/night (two blocks away; cut-off date is October 25 or until block of rooms run out)

NOTE: Contracted room blocks are almost full. You can also try the following nearby hotels:

Drury Plaza Hotel Pittsburgh Downtown (.2 miles)
620 William Penn Place, Pittsburgh, PA, 15219
(412) 281-2900
Hampton Inn & Suites Pittsburgh-Downtown (.2 miles)
1247 Smallman St, Pittsburgh, PA, 15222
(412) 288-4350
AC Hotel Pittsburg Downtown (.2 miles)
1126 Smallman St, Pittsburgh, PA, 15222
(412) 281-9300
Hilton Hotel & Suites Pittsburgh Downtown (.3 miles)
One Bigelow Square, Pittsburgh, PA, 15219
(412) 281-5800
EVEN Hotel Pittsburgh Downtown (.4 miles)
425 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, 15219
(412) 301-2277
Holiday Inn Express & Suites Pittsburgh North Shore (.5 miles)
228 Federal St, Pittsburgh, PA, 15212
(412) 323-0300
The Priory Hotel (.5 miles)
614 Pressley St, Pittsburgh, PA, 15212
(412) 231-3338
Wyndham Grand Pittsburgh Downtown (.6 miles)
600 Commonwealth Pl, Pittsburgh, PA, 15222
(412) 391-4600

Hyatt Place Pittsburgh-North Shore (.7 miles)

260 North Shore Drive, Pittsburgh, PA, 15212
(412) 321-3000


See this website for information about transportation from Pittsburgh Airport.

NOTE: Super Shuttle is no longer servicing Pittsburgh.

Shipping Information

Shipments must not arrive before Monday, November 11. You are responsible for all shipping and receiving fees.

Address all shipments as follows:

POD Network Annual Conference
David L. Lawrence Convention Center
1000 Ft. Duquesne Blvd.
Pittsburgh PA 15222
Attn: First Name, Last Name (recipient/conference attendee)