A Message from President Stacy Grooters, October 10
In this message, I’d like to continue in the spirit of my first message by sharing some highlights of what’s been happening in the organization over the past few months. If you…
In this message, I’d like to continue in the spirit of my first message by sharing some highlights of what’s been happening in the organization over the past few months. If you…
It’s my pleasure to get to write to you in my new role as POD Network President to share some updates about the organization, including some decisions made at the recent Core…
I am still riding high from all of the great energy from both the online and in person conference experiences. We had a record-breaking number of participants at the two conference venues—1266…
Navigating the complex landscapes of higher education as educational developers requires trustworthy compasses we can use to guide our work, inform our career paths, and support the ways we maintain a healthy…
As the new president of the POD Network, I have been reflecting on the best way to welcome you to the upcoming year as a member of the POD Network. I may…
I’m writing to share some of the highlights from 2021 and early 2022, and to spotlight some of the committees and special interest groups (SIGs) that are currently seeking members.
POD Network President Francine Glazer delivers her first presidential address during the welcome session of the #POD21 virtual conference.
I’m pleased to report that the Core Committee of the POD Network has responded to the call in academia (and society as a whole) for authentic reflection and action regarding diversity, equity,…
It seems hard to believe that my time in the presidential role has come to an end, and this is my final email to you all. I would be untruthful if I…
In February, I wrote to you about being optimistic, but then I fell silent. I’ll admit I’ve struggled the past couple of months to keep up my positive outlook. In Ontario, we…
While many of us seemed ready to say good-bye to 2020, this new year has had a somewhat variable start. We have continued to see protests and riots around the world and…
Once again, I marvel at all the hard work that our various colleagues engage in on behalf of our organization, and I so appreciate everyone’s ongoing commitment to staying connected and involved…
The start of school also signals that it’s time to re-launch activities that got put on hold over the summer. Might one activity you choose include the POD Network?
In July, I wrote to you about transitions and how much they can make us feel overloaded. In recent conversations with POD Network colleagues, though, I’ve felt like it’s more than transitions…
I considered providing you with some factual updates about our organization given that our Spring Core meeting just happened in June, but I’m going to save that for later. Instead, I’ve opted…
I am often at a loss for words, but I’m feeling more so that way at this time. My heart is heavy with the recent overwhelming and devastating acts of anti-Black racism…
Connecting with POD colleagues is my emphasis this month. Our ongoing pandemic conditions can make us feel not only overworked but also isolated. But when I reach out to my POD colleagues,…
In stepping into the role of President as of March 21, I’ve opted to take a slightly different tack in communicating with you. Our newsletter has been phased out and we are…
Lately, I have been thinking a lot about the importance of inclusion, equity, and diversity for the POD Network and the future of higher education. I am looking forward to changes in…