Showing 1–16 of 39 results

University of Pittsburgh Open Lab

Open Lab at the University of Pittsburgh is an innovative makerspace for faculty, students, and staff. With technology and expertise in 3D scanning and printing, extended reality headsets, laser cutting and engraving, and other experiential learning tools, Open Lab helps to fuel teaching and learning at Pitt. Come take a 90-minute tour of the space and meet the team as you learn about the practical applications of a makerspace for enhancing pedagogy and about developing a makerspace on your campus.

Transportation is included for the approximate 25-minute trip each way.

  • Date: Thursday November 16
  • Time: 12:30–3:00 pm
  • Cost: $25 per person
  • Maximum/minimum registration: 30/0
Heinz History Center

The History Center, Pittsburgh’s “people museum,” has six floors of interactive displays that include well known antiques such as the Mister Rogers Neighborhood TV set and the oldest motor vehicle in the world, which tell the history of western Pennsylvania. The Western Pennsylvania Sports Museum is located on the second and third floors of the History Center.

The Heinz History Center is approximately a 6-minute walk from the Westin Hotel and the David L. Lawrence Convention Center. We will assist with accessibility accommodations as requested.

  • Date: Friday November 17
  • Time: 10:00 am–12:00 pm
  • Cost: $18 per person
  • Maximum/minimum registration: None
University of Pittsburgh – Nationality Rooms

Join your colleagues in a 60-90 minute tour of the Nationality & Heritage Rooms at the University of Pittsburgh for a unique educational experience.  Nearly a century ago, the Nationality & Heritage Rooms and Intercultural Exchange Program created the rooms to celebrate and showcase the cultures of the many ethnic communities that immigrated to Allegheny County. On the first and third floors of the Cathedral of Learning, there are 31 Nationality Rooms where you can enjoy the rich heritage of the communities that inspired and supported their creation.

The Nationality Rooms are actual classrooms that offer students (and visitors) the opportunity to explore the historical diversity of the region as depicted via the gifts received from the ethnic groups of Pittsburgh. An added bonus for POD’s tour will be the enjoyment of end-of-year celebrations with traditional takes on well-known holidays.

Transportation is included for the approximate 25-minute trip each way.

  • Date: Saturday November 18
  • Time: 9:45 am–12:15 pm
  • Cost: $35/person
  • Maximum/minimum registration: 40/10
#POD23 W1: Getting Started Workshop for New Educational Developers
Wednesday afternoon 1:00–4:30 pm (part one)
Thursday morning 8:30 am–12:00 pm (part two)

This interactive workshop orients new educational developers to the field. Participants will consider educational development research, foundational frameworks, and will identify priorities for their contexts.

Includes Thursday morning breakfast and a published book

#POD23 W12: Faculty Development Meets Gen Z: Strategies to Address New Needs
Thursday morning 9:00 am–12:00 pm

This interactive pre-conference workshop will discuss the root causes of the instructional challenges faced by Generation Z learners as well as provide a space for generating solutions.

#POD23 W13: A Holistic Framework for Incorporating JEDI in Your CTL's Offerings
Thursday morning 9:00 am–12:00 pm

In this interactive pre-conference workshop, the presenters—two white cisgender female educational developers—will share an emergent framework to help you discover how JEDI (justice, equity, diversity, and inclusivity) can be woven into the fabric of your center’s offerings.

#POD23 W14: Engaging Difficult Dialogues in the Classroom: Envisioning an Equitable Future
Thursday morning 9:00 am–12:00 pm

In this interactive workshop, participants will

  1. learn and practice a number of effective dialogue strategies;
  2. briefly examine the rights/responsibilities of academic freedom;
  3. discuss how engaging difficult dialogues differs in an online context;
  4. consider how to apply strategies in their own learning environments;
  5. be introduced to a wide range of additional resources to continue the work.
#POD23 W15: Practicing What We Preach: Aligning CTL Values, Goals, Process, & Assessment
Thursday morning 9:00 am–12:00 pm

In this workshop, participants will explore the values they bring to educational development work and practice strategies for aligning values and practices to achieve their goals in sustainable, people-centered ways.

#POD23 W16: Avoiding Faculty Burnout: The Weekly Plan to Prioritize, Build and Maintain Momentum, and Experience True Work-Life Balance
Thursday morning 9:00 am–12:00 pm

In this workshop, we share how to help faculty develop strategies for prioritizing and building momentum for their research and writing on the day-to-day level while maintaining work-life balance along the way.

#POD23 Online W17: Unsettling Colonial Legacies: Towards Decolonizing Curriculum and Pedagogy
Monday, November 13, 12–2 PM EST

In this interactive workshop, participants will engage in reflective exercises, group discussions, and tasks to understand and challenge persisting colonial power structures that manifest in higher education curricula and pedagogies.

#POD23 Online W18: Navigating Early Career Landscapes for Educational Developers: Opportunities and Challenges
Monday, November 13, 12–2 PM EST

Are you looking for advice from a cohort of like-minded professionals? This session offers colleagues in their early years as educational developers with time and space for consultation, reflection, and relationship-building.

#POD23 Online W19: Getting Started Workshop for New Educational Developers
Monday, November 13, 2–5 PM EST

This interactive workshop orients new educational developers to the field. Participants will consider educational development research, foundational frameworks, and will identify priorities for their contexts.

NOTE: This session is not tailored for experienced developers nor those seeking strategies to found a center.
#POD23 W2: The Learning Process: Foundational Understanding for Faculty and Student Success
Wednesday afternoon 1:00–4:30 pm (part one)
Thursday morning 8:30 am–12:00 pm (part two)

This interactive workshop synthesizes 60+ years of research on learning from the cognitive, motivational, developmental, and DEI perspectives into eight integrated principles.

#POD23 W3: Teaching Effectiveness Frameworks: Supporting Formative Development and Equitable Assessment
Wednesday afternoon 1:00–4:30 pm (part one)
Thursday morning 8:30 am–12:00 pm (part two)

In this workshop, participants will:

  1. Review 5–10 teaching effectiveness frameworks;
  2. Consider which aspects might be most relevant for their own institutional context, drafting the framework categories best for their institution; and
  3. Identify strategies for next steps for implementing their own institutional framework.
#POD23 W4: Put Your Own Mask on First: Human-Centered Educational Development
Thursday morning 8:30 am–12:00 pm

In this session, we will invite participants to engage in envisioning models that center humanity in our educational development curriculum, facilitate faculty in developing their own models of thriving, and cultivate personal mechanisms for self thriving necessary for effective educational development.

#POD23 W5: Reimagine New Faculty Orientation with the University Game
Thursday morning 9:00 am–12:00 pm

In this workshop, you will play the game, learn how to run it at your campus, and demonstrate how will introduce your new faculty to important campus personnel, teach them basic procedures of faculty governance, and show them how to see the university from a perspective outside their own.