POD23 W17: Unsettling Colonial Legacies: Towards Decolonizing Curriculum and Pedagogy


Monday, November 13, 12–2 PM EST

In this interactive workshop, participants will engage in reflective exercises, group discussions, and tasks to understand and challenge persisting colonial power structures that manifest in higher education curricula and pedagogies.

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Monday, November 13, 12:00–2:00 PM EST

Sancha Medwinter, Kirsten Helmer

In this interactive workshop, participants will engage in reflective exercises, group discussions, and tasks to understand and challenge persisting colonial power structures that manifest in higher education curricula and pedagogies. Participants will gain an understanding of coloniality, how it infiltrates our learned educational approaches, and how we can undo it in our teaching through reflective exercises, group discussions, and tasks. The goal is to provide a process model and guide participants in developing their own decolonial practice from their own positionality, area of expertise, and their own discovery/self-reflection of how coloniality infiltrates their content and teaching.