POD24 W18: Teaching Effectiveness Frameworks: Relationally rich and equitable development of faculty


Sunday, November 10,2024: 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm

In this workshop, participants will: 1) examine a variety of teaching effectiveness frameworks, contributing their own institutions’ framework; 2) collectively brainstorm the ways that frameworks connect to evidence of teaching effectiveness; 3) identify relationally rich and equitable faculty development strategies for broad faculty engagement with frameworks at their institution.

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Sunday, November 10,2024: 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm

Beate Brunow, Barbara Bird, Shawn Simonson, Eric Kyle

Teaching effectiveness frameworks, which an increasing number of institutions are adopting, are grounded in evidence-based teaching practices. These frameworks can guide the work we do across our institutions and expand the assessment of teaching from primarily course evaluation evidence to a robust set of student learning and teaching quality evidence. In this workshop, participants will:

  1. examine a variety of teaching effectiveness frameworks, contributing their own institutions’ framework;
  2. collectively brainstorm the ways that frameworks connect to evidence of teaching effectiveness;
  3. identify relationally rich and equitable faculty development strategies for broad faculty engagement with frameworks at their institution.