Several financial assistance programs are available for this year’s conference. All include one-year membership to the POD Network and the conference fee at the early-bird rate (for either on-ground in Chicago or virtual programming). Some provide funding for travel (not to exceed $1,800 per person). Details and application links are provided below.
- Adjunct/Part-time Faculty SIG
- DEI Donald H. Wulff Diversity Fellowship
- Graduate Student, Professional Student, & Postdoctoral Scholar Development (GPPD) SIG
- POD Network Needs-Based Financial Assistance
The POD Network leadership also encourages donations to help support conference attendance, membership, and other programs we offer (e.g., research grants)—or for use anywhere it’s needed.
Adjunct Faculty SIG Travel Grant
The 2024 Adjunct/Part-time Faculty Special Interest Group (SIG) POD Conference Scholarship seeks to increase participation in the Professional and Organizational Development in Higher Education (POD) Network from those who are currently either:
- Adjunct/part-time faculty who want to become educational developers
- Adjunct/part-time faculty who are currently educational developers
- Educational developers who want to provide support for adjunct/part-time faculty
- Educational developers who currently provide support for adjunct/part-time faculty
More information and the application process can be found here.
Applications are due August 30, 2024.
DEI Donald H. Wulff Diversity Fellowship
The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee enthusiastically invites applications for the 2024 Donald H. Wulff Diversity Fellowships. These fellowships provide financial and mentoring support designed to increase and support sustained participation of individuals from historically underrepresented groups in the field of educational development.
Details about the Wulff Fellows financial support, mentoring, criteria, timeline resources and application process can be found on the Wulff Fellowship webpage.
Applications due August 9, 2024.
Graduate Student, Professional Student, and Postdoctoral Scholar Development (GPPD) Career Development Grant
The GPPD SIG will award up to 30 grants to graduate students, professional students, and postdocs to support their attendance at the annual POD conference. The grant covers conference registration fees (early-bird rate) and one year of POD membership dues. Awardees are invited to attend all GPPD hosted or related events or sessions at the conference.
This year, the SIG will also award up to five travel grants of up to $1,800 based on need; a separate application is not required for consideration.
Those from institutions not historically represented at POD (e.g., HBCUs, Tribal Colleges, HSIs, MSIs) and/or from underrepresented identities are highly encouraged to apply!
Application & instructions available here.
Applications are due Friday, September 6, at 11:59 pm PDT.
Needs-based Financial Assistance
As part of POD Network’s efforts to lower barriers to participation in the POD Network Annual Conference, we have established a needs-based financial assistance program to support attendance to the Conference. POD Network’s Core Committee has approved $40,000 to fund conference registration and membership fees, as well as estimated travel and lodging costs not to exceed $1,800 per person.
Applications are now being accepted: Deadline is September 25, 2024. APPLY HERE