June 2023

We prepared for the discussion of the finalists by agreeing on a format for the meetings: we would discuss each finalist individually, taking into account feedback from the different stakeholders who met with the finalist, and would – as agreed during our work with TATC – elevate the voices of marginalized individuals and of those who are most impacted by the decision. We took breaks between each conversation, and then reconvened to make our recommendation.

Everyone on the committee was in agreement that all three of the finalists was qualified for the position. After taking a weekend to reflect on the candidates, the Search Committee reconvened and enthusiastically endorsed Danielle Gabriel. Executive Committee then met with Danielle to offer her the position, which she has accepted.

May 2023

Ultimately, we received a total of 43 applications for the position. We conducted first-round interviews with 14 individuals, ten of whom are persons of color or members of other marginalized communities. From that group of 14, we identified 3 finalists. 

In order to gather input from a wide array of POD Network leadership, we set up two meetings for each finalist, and invited members of the following groups to come to either one: 

  • Affinity group conveners, 
  • Committee chairs, 
  • Core Committee members, 
  • The editorial team of To Improve the Academy, and 
  • Special interest group (SIG) chairs. 

A different member of the search committee attended each of these two meetings as an observer. Finalists also met with the Executive Committee and separately with Gaye Webb (administrative manager), and ended the day with the search committee.

During the course of the search, the committee took the following actions to mitigate bias:

  • Created a list of job qualifications that were realistic rather than aspirational, and that could be documented 
  • Created a list of standard questions to ask all interviewees
  • Agreed to send interview questions to candidates two days in advance of their interview
  • Created a list of shared agreements about specific behaviors when conducting interviews, which we reviewed prior to each interview
  • Told candidates that we were refraining from asking follow up questions to minimize variability
  • Allowed time before and after each interview to recharge and re-center
  • Agreed to hold each other accountable to these standards

April 2023

We have received 35 applications for the position to date. Sage Search Partners completed the initial review, met with each qualified candidate, and presented the search committee with their recommendation of 14 candidates who most closely aligned with the prioritized qualifications for the position. The search committee reviewed the applications and is conducting first round interviews with 12 of the 14. We are very excited about these candidates and what they might bring to this role! Some of the qualities we are seeing in candidates include:

  • community building, with attention paid to inclusion and wellness, building a sense of belonging, and member engagement
  • creating transformative change toward equity and inclusion through modifying organizational practices
  • strategic and visionary thinking, and the ability to operationalize strategic goals
  • volunteer engagement and leadership development
  • experience developing and sustaining partnerships
  • financial acumen

We have finalized the round 1 questions and the interview protocol. Interviews will take place in April and May. We will share another update when we have met with all the candidates and are proceeding to the next stage of the search.

March 2023

The position profile was reviewed by the Executive Committee and by Think Again Training & Consulting (TATC), the DEI consulting group retained by the POD Network, and finalized. The position was posted in multiple locations:

  • POD Network members only email
  • POD Network Open Discussion List
  • HigherEdJobs
  • Black Career Women’s Network
  • DiversityJobBoard.com
  • Ability Jobs

In addition, the search firm reached out to over 100 contacts to discuss the job with them and seek recommendations of individuals who might apply; they also met with all qualified applicants. The result was a very strong and diverse pool, 40% of whom the search committee decided to interview (details below).

Meanwhile, TATC met with the search committee to discuss ways we can mitigate bias during the search, review a set of debiasing tools and how they might apply in this specific situation, and help us begin to think about authentic tasks we might ask finalists to do. The search committee also identified specific methods we will use to hold ourselves and each other accountable to our shared values. At the end of the search process, we will write a detailed report of our processes and methods, which we will submit to the Core Committee and make available to the membership.

The search committee and Sage Search Partners jointly reviewed a sampling of applications to ensure alignment in how we would evaluate application materials against the desired qualifications and experience as articulated in the job posting. The results of this discussion would directly inform the initial review process. The search committee also began drafting questions for the first interview. 

February 2023

The search committee was convened on February 10. Members were selected intentionally for the diverse perspectives and experiences they bring to our work. The committee includes members of Executive and Core committees, current and past chairs of committees and special interest groups, including the Conference committee, POD Network staff member, and members at large.

The initial work of the committee included community and trust building, with discussions of shared values to inform how the search should be conducted, how to prioritize equity and inclusion, the needs of the POD Network and goals for this position, and how we will work with the search firm. We also discussed the necessary challenges of this work, including managing bias, handling conflict within the committee, and the need to balance confidentiality with transparency to ensure POD Network members and potential applicants alike felt confident in this process.

We developed a draft of the Position Profile. Our potential audience for the profile included people who might not be familiar with the POD Network, so we specifically included a brief description of our mission, vision, values, and organizational structure. 

We also included a prioritized list of opportunities and challenges for the Executive Director. The list is not comprehensive, but does lay out priorities for the next 5-8 years. This was an intentional decision: with a search firm working to make a broad array of potential applicants aware of the position, we wanted to include enough detail for people to “see themselves” in the position. At the same time, we tried to ensure that the list of “desired qualifications and experience” was concrete, listing items that can be documented and demonstrated. We prefaced that list with a statement that, “The ideal candidate will bring many of the professional experiences, competencies, and personal qualities listed below” (emphasis added), to explicitly leave room for the possibility of applicants who can grow into the role. 

We thought carefully about what we wanted to see in a cover letter, ​​and included a very specific prompt to guide applicants:

In your cover letter, we hope to gain a sense of what you value, the specific experiences that have prepared you for this role, and why you are excited to work for us. Please comment on any experience you have in leadership of a large volunteer-run organization and in furthering an organization’s commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion—or related transferable skills you would bring to this position.

Finally, we included a statement encouraging applications from individuals with varied identities and backgrounds, and from individuals at multiple career stages:

The POD Network supports individuals’ growth and potential at all stages and is committed to creating equitable and representative work environments. Research shows that women and individuals who hold underrepresented identities tend to only apply to jobs for which they believe they meet all of the qualifications. Job descriptions are aspirational, and no one meets every bullet listed. We strongly encourage applications from individuals with varied identities and backgrounds, such as people of color, women, people with disabilities, immigrants, LGBTQIA+ people, veterans, and people who come from low income or working class backgrounds.

January 2023

Executive and Core Committees made the decision to retain Sage Search Partners in order to help us conduct a broad and inclusive search, and expand our pool of candidates by identifying potential candidates we might not otherwise have reached. Paula Fazli, a principal at Sage Search and our contact, spoke confidentially with multiple stakeholders to better understand the POD Network: who we are now, and who we aspire to become. Meetings included members of Executive and Core committees, past presidents, affinity groups, POD Office staff, chairs of committees and special interest groups, editors of To Improve the Academy, and individuals who have provided ongoing professional development to the Core Committee in the areas of diversity, equity, and inclusion.