1992-1993 Essays

Download All   Linc. Fisch, Independent Consultant, Lexington, KY Power in the Classroom Teachers carry a lot of power to influence students in both good and bad ways. An awareness of this fact is a blessing and a curse. Ron Smith, Concordia University Competence: What Does It Mean In Teaching and Learning? What does it…

1991-1992 Essays

Download All   J. Dennis Huston, Rice University Teaching Students to Trust Their Ideas This national award winner shares his thoughts about encouraging students to think for themselves. Peter Seldin, Pace University and Linda Annis, Ball State University The Teaching Portfolio One of the best ideas about the evaluation of teaching to come along in…

1990-1991 Essays

Download All Russell Edgerton, American Association for Higher Education Forward to Aristotle: Teaching as the Highest Form of Understanding There is more to teaching than a mere grasp of content. The act of teaching itself is a complex and fascinating experience which goes beyond simply knowing the subject and talking about it.   Robert Boice,…

1989-1990 Essays

Download All Joanne Kurfiss, Santa Clara University Critical Thinking by Design This essay offers guidelines for increasing the critical thinking potential of courses in the disciplines. Marilla Svinicki, University of Texas-Austin If Learning Involves Risk-taking, Teaching Involves Trust-building Learning will flourish in an atmosphere in which the learner is willing to take risks, and it…

Building on a foundation of empathy: Centering our priorities on inclusion and diversity

Lately, I have been thinking a lot about the importance of inclusion, equity, and diversity for the POD Network and the future of higher education. I am looking forward to changes in the rising and returning student populations and the new perspectives and energy they will bring to our physical and virtual campuses. Creating equitable and inclusive learning and professional environments is more important than ever.

At the Center of Transforming Undergraduate Education: Joint POD Network/NSEC Response to New Report

On November 30, 2017, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences released the final report of the Commission on the Future of Undergraduate Education, entitled, The Future of Undergraduate Education, The Future of America. The POD Network in Higher Education and the Network of STEM Education Centers (NSEC) commend the Academy’s attention to educational quality, with its many implications for college…

POD Network Response to Commission on Undergrad Ed Reports

Dear POD member, POD Network’s Governance Manual indicates that one key purpose of the organization is to fulfill an advocacy role, to intentionally promote the work of educational development and Centers for Teaching and Learning (CTLs). We write to inform you of a multi-pronged approach that the Executive and Core Committees are taking in response to two…

Statement of Solidarity to Our Colleagues in Charlottesville

Dear Members, Colleagues, and Friends: Please join the POD Network in sending our thoughts, deepest support, and solidarity to our colleagues at the University of Virginia and to the entire Charlottesville, Virginia, USA, community, as they mourn, heal, and prepare to begin the academic year. The POD Network supports educational developers, faculty, and students in…

Reaffirming Our Core Values

The POD Network in Higher Education is committed to the creation of inclusive environments where diverse people and perspectives are welcomed, encouraged, and seen as essential to effective teaching, learning, and educational development. We reaffirm our core values of advocacy, social justice, inclusion, collegiality, and diverse perspectives. At this time, when many are experiencing hostility and exclusion, we will reinforce our efforts to promote these core values in the POD Network, our institutions, and the world. The POD Network Executive and Core Committees wish to express deep gratitude to our colleagues…

External Partnerships and Outreach Committee (EPOC)

The POD Network has been approached multiple times in the past year by organizations and institutions seeking partnerships and endorsements. As an example of these types of requests, a February 16, 2016, Chronicle of Higher Education article noted that ACUE (Association of College and University Educators) approached the POD Network regarding a formal partnership. Because of the…