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J. Dennis Huston, Rice University

Teaching Students to Trust Their Ideas
This national award winner shares his thoughts about encouraging students to think for themselves.

Peter Seldin, Pace University and Linda Annis, Ball State University

The Teaching Portfolio
One of the best ideas about the evaluation of teaching to come along in recent years is the teaching portfolio, which allows the individual instructor to create a well-documented history of his or her own teaching efforts and the thinking which undergirds them.

Parker J. Palmer, Independent Consultant, Madison, WI

Living the Mystery of Teaching
Good teaching cannot be equated with technique. It comes from the integrity of the teacher, from his or her relation to the subject or the student, from the capricious chemistry of it all. The author muses about how to give voice to the questions the students won’t ask but which probably lie on the cutting edge of their learning.

Blythe Clinchy, Wellesley College

Tales Told Out of School: Women’s Reflections on Their Undergraduate Experiences
Where does learning really occur? In the classroom? Or out of it? The answer may be different for different learners and that has implications for our ways of teaching.

Jack H. Schuster, The Claremont Graduate School

Whatever Happened to ‘THE’ Faculty?
Once assumed to be an enclave of like-minded scholars, the academy is becoming more and more segmented. The demographics of the students are changing as are those of the faculty. What will be the impact of those changes on the face of the academy in the next decade and beyond?

Maurianne Adams, University of Massachusetts

Academic Culture: The Hidden Curriculum
There is an unspoken, unacknowledged set of cultural norms which govern the conduct of the players in the academy. When non-traditional students enter the academy, they may inadvertently run afoul of those norms. By recognizing them ourselves, we may be able to make the experience of these students a better one.

Laurie Richlin, Visiting Scholar, Antioch College

The Market for Teaching Scholars
To what extent will the hiring institutions accept a candidate whose devotion is to teaching? The answer depends greatly on the type of institution.

Karron G. Lewis, University of Texas

Making Sense (and use) of Written Student Comments
Student evaluations of teaching are more and more common. Many include a baffling array of student comments along with scaled items. To get the most out of these rich data requires some planning and careful analysis. .