POD24 W2: Decolonizing the Game: Applying the TALLS model


Sunday, November 10, 2024; 9:00 am to 5:00 pm

This session introduces the TALLS (Toward a Liberated Learning Spirit) Model for developing critical consciousness that moves learning through colonized ideals of knowledge toward a liberated learning space.

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Sunday, November 10, 2024; 9:00 am to 5:00 pm

Laura Pipe, Jennifer Stephens

Decolonization requires us to interrogate and disrupt the “rules of the game” that shape and govern the academy. This session introduces the TALLS (Toward a Liberated Learning Spirit) Model for developing critical consciousness that moves learning through colonized ideals of knowledge toward a liberated learning space. Sharing examples and data on the model’s application, participants will imagine new approaches to decolonizing their own practice. TALLS utilizes existing best practices in culturally-responsive teaching blended with Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Six Steps for Nonviolent Social Change, Indigenous pedagogy, and cultural wealth approaches to create a framework for supporting curiosity for change.