Showing 17–20 of 20 results

#POD23 W6: Leading for CTL Success: Enhancing Human Resources Leadership
Thursday morning 9:00 am–12:00 pm

For leaders seeking to enhance your Center for Teaching and Learning’s (CTL’s) resilience and agility, this half-day workshop empowers you with theory-based strategies to advance priorities, support staff’s wellbeing, and prepare for further higher education changes.

#POD23 W7: Navigating Early Career Landscapes for Educational Developers: Opportunities and Challenges
Thursday morning 9:00 am–12:00 pm

This session offers colleagues in their early years as educational developers with time and space for consultation, reflection, and relationship-building.

#POD23 W8: Racial Equity Advocates: Working Toward Justice in Higher Education
Thursday morning 9:00 am–12:00 pm

This session highlights Racial Equity Advocates, that provides support for faculty to actively interrupt inequities using the Courageous Conversations about Race Protocol (Singleton, 2021), role play, and mindful inquiry to address a problem of practice within their own context.

#POD23 W9: Designing and Implementing Scalable, Campus-Wide Anti-Racist and Inclusive Teaching Programming
Thursday morning 9:00 am–12:00 pm

Participants will be guided to use this time individually and in community to explore strategies for defining faculty learning outcomes and matched assessments, aligning faculty learning with institutional initiatives and structures, and adapting programming to local environments.