The Robert J. Menges Award for Outstanding Research in Educational Development was established in recognition of Robert J. Menges. Bob Menges was and remains an honored scholar. His long years of work and contributions to teaching and learning and faculty and educational development in higher education can be characterized by his spirit of caring consultation, active participation, and rigorous research. This award honors sessions by POD Network members at our annual conference that reflect Bob Menges’ values and approaches to his work. He loved to create studies out of ideas, and he practiced a wide variety of methodologies and designs. This recognition was established and first awarded at the 2000 POD Network conference in Vancouver.


Original research presented at the POD Network annual conference is eligible for the Robert J. Menges Award for Outstanding Research in Educational Development. Awards are given for proposals that reflect original research, which may be quantitative or qualitative, and may be based on experimental studies, participant observation, practitioner research, or other methodologies that lead to systematic investigation and evidence-based conclusions. Completed graduate theses and dissertations are eligible for consideration. The number of awards (generally up to three per year) will be determined by the Subcommittee annually based on the quality of submissions. Note: Proposals describing the implementation of an innovative program or reflection on best practices are not consistent with this Award.

Proposal Procedure

To self-nominate for the Robert J. Menges Award for Outstanding Research in Educational Development, simply check the Menges self-nomination box on the annual conference session proposal form. Authors of self-nominated proposals which are accepted for the conference are later asked to submit an extended proposal of their project. The proposal—typically due at the end of June—should describe work which is complete or nearly complete in order to be considered for the award. Click here to view a draft of the proposal template.


The selection criteria are as follows:

  • An accepted conference session proposal, self-identified as sound and rigorous research in any area appropriate to the mission of the POD Network that has the potential to significantly impact the field or scholarship of educational development.
  • A complete extended research award proposal, including:
    • strength and clarity of research question and approach;
    • relationship to the field of educational development, previous research, and/or theoretical frameworks;
    • coherence across data, analysis, findings, and conclusions;
    • contribution to the field of educational development and the POD Network mission.
  • The research project should be complete or nearly complete so that findings can be described and assessed.
  • Award recipients must be a POD Network member.

Past Menges Award Recipients

Please click on a past project title to view its proposal.


Interrelationships of Institutional and Disciplinary Cultural Influences on Faculty Teaching

By Stephen Hiller, Indiana University 


“I’m not like you. I’m different.” A narrative inquiry study of Latina educational developers working in higher education.

by Carol Hernandez of Northeastern University

Honorable Mention: Re-envisioning Trauma-Informed Teaching: Empowering Students’ Personal and Academic Growth

by Ashley Hooper of University of California, Agriculture & Natural Resources, Misbah Hyder, Thomas M. Colclough, and Daniel Mann of University of California, Irvine


Tracking the Transfer of Research-Based Instructional Social Presence Practices

by Lisa LaCross, David S. Williams, and S. Raj Chaudhury, University of South Alabama


Faculty Community of Inquiry Transforms Online Teaching Perceptions and Practices

by Karen Skibba and Maria Widmer, University of Wisconsin–Madison

Outcomes of a hybrid, multi-institutional course design workshop series

by Darren Hoffmann and Lisa Kelly, University of Iowa; Katie Kearns, Leslie Drane, and Madeleine Gonin, Indiana University–Bloomington; Preston Cumming, University of Colorado–Boulder; and Lisa Rohde, University of Nebraska–Lincoln


Students Helping Students Provide Valuable Feedback on Course Evaluations

by Adriana Signorini, Sandy Dorantes, and Mariana Abuan, University of California, Merced


A Campus-wide Strategy to Develop Metacognition in Gateway Courses 

by Eric Kaldor and Holly Swanson, University of Rhode Island

Honorable Mention:

Making Assessment Matter: Linking Interventions, Instructional Practices, and Academic Achievement

by Lindsay Wheeler and Dorothe Bach, University of Virginia


Why Do We Teach? Examining Faculty Teaching Experiences and Motivation

Allison BrckaLorenz, Indiana University Bloomington; Robert Stupnisky, University of North Dakota; and Bridget Yuhas, Indiana University Bloomington

Understanding Instructors’ Conceptualization of Course Design To Enhance Faculty Development

Audriana M. Stark, Gary A. Smith, and Julie A. Sanchez, University of New Mexico


No award given


Not Your Granddaddy’s Syllabus: Investigating Student Perceptions of Course Syllabi

Michael S. Palmer, Lindsay B. Wheeler, and Itiya Aneece, University of Virginia


Leveraging Institutional Data to Demonstrate our Impact

Deborah Meizlish, Mary Wright, Joe Howard, and Matthew Kaplan, University of Michigan

The Faculty You Don’t Know: Characteristics of Faculty Survey Nonresponse

Kiernan Mathews, Harvard University

Evaluating the Impact of a Large-scale, Research-based Course Transformation Program

Chantal Levesque-Bristol, K. Andrew R. Richards, Kiki Zissimopoulos, Brooke Robertshaw, and David Nelson, Purdue University


Empowering Faculty to Improve Students’ Learning through Collaborative Assessment

Mary-Ann Winkelmes and Elisa Mustari, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Effects of Virtual Labs and Cooperative Learning in Anatomy Instruction

Andrew Saltarelli and Cary Roseth, Michigan State University; William Saltarelli, Central Michigan University


Examining Effective Faculty Practice: Teaching Clarity and Student Engagement

Allison BrckaLorenz, Eddie R. Cole, Jillian Kinzie, and Anthony Ribera at Indiana University at Bloomington

Five Years Later. What Have We Learned about Mentoring Networks?

Jung H. Yun, Mary Deane Sorcinelli, and Brian Baldi at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst


Multi-Institutional Perspectives on Senior Faculty Engagement

Christy Crutsinger, University of North Texas; Kiernan Mathews, Brendan Russell, and Cathy Trower, Harvard University

Engaging Faculty in Outcomes Assessment

Elizabeth Evans, Concordia University Wisconsin


Where are CTLs? Implications for Strategic Planning and Research

Sally Kuhlenschmidt, Western Kentucky University

Taking Stock: Contemplating North American GSPD Programs and Developers

Dieter Schönwetter, University of Manitoba; Donna Ellis, University of Waterloo

Understanding and Supporting Full-time Nontenure-track (FTNT) Faculty: A Welcome Change

Megan Palmer, Genevieve Shaker, Nancy Chism, Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis


Developing an Evidence-Based Curriculum and Assessment: The History Learning Project

Joan Middendorf, George Rehrey, Indiana University

Implications/Applications of an International Study of Faculty Skills and Roles

Michael Theall, Youngstown State University; Raoul Arreola, University of Tennessee Health Science Center; Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group, Inc.


Advancing from the Periphery: Changing Faculty Development’s Institutional Involvement

Connie Schroeder, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

A Study of Mid-Career Faculty: Implications for Practice

Deborah DeZure, Roger Baldwin, Kristin Moretto, Allyn Shaw, Michigan State University

Refocusing the Lens: The Priority of Understanding Course Design Approaches

Donna Harp Ziegenfuss, Widener University


Effective Teachers’ Conceptions of Teaching in a Research-Intensive University

Jim Borgford-Parnell, University of Washington

Simulation: Linking Theory with Practice

Kathie Lasater, Oregon Health & Science University School of Nursing


Promoting Student Success: DEEP Lessons for Teaching and Learning

Jillian Kinzie, Indiana University & Barbara Cambridge, National Council of Teachers of English

Student Engagement and Faculty Development: Faculty Perceptions and Practices

Thomas Nelson Laird, Indiana University – Bloomington, Jennifer Buckley & Michael Schwarz, Indiana University

Overcoming International Students’ Difficulties in Disciplinary Speaking

Soonhyang Kim, The Ohio State University


Documenting the Academic Culture: A Teaching Center Research Project

Anita Gandolfo, US Military Academy


Vision to Reality: Evaluating Instructional Interventions that Prepare Future Professoriate

Donna Ellis, Dieter Schonwetter, & Martha Roberts, University of Waterloo

International Perspectives on Faculty Development: A Vision for Practice

Kathleen P. King, Fordham University & Patricia Lawler, Widener University


Beyond Bean Counting: Making Faculty Development Needs Assessment More Meaningful

Corly Brooke & Pamela Patterson, Iowa State University

Interpreting Dreams of Future Professoriate: Trend Analysis of 750 Current Job Descriptions

Dieter Schonwetter & Lynn Taylor, University of Manitoba

Critical Thinking–Assessing What is Hard to “See”

Peggy Weissinger, Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis


Assessing and Re-invigorating GTA Programs: Pivotal Events in GTA Experience

Dr. Kathleen Smith, University of Georgia

Faculty Development: A Lever for Faculty Involvement in Change

Connie Schroeder, University of Wisconsin – Madison

Motivating Students to Learn in Large Classes

Eric Hobson, Albany College of Pharmacy


Diversity Begins at Home: State and Regional Studies As One Gateway to Multiculturalism

Barbara Lounsberry, University of Northern Iowa

Research-based Practices in the Design, Offering, and Evaluation of Faculty and TA Workshops

G. Roger Sell & Sheryl Welte Emch, University of Northern Iowa

Improving Scholarship “On” Teaching

Maryellen Weimer, Berks Lehigh Valley College-Penn State