The POD Network

POD supports a network of nearly 1800 members who have an interest in educational and organizational development. While POD members come primarily from the U.S.A. and Canada, the membership also represents 20 other countries. Through its members, the POD Network leads and supports change for the improvement of higher education through faculty, instructional, and organizational development.

The POD Network seeks to promote the scholarship of teaching, learning and organizational development that reflects a spirit of inclusion, where all members are invited to collaborate and interact with colleagues across disciplines and borders.

The POD Mission

The Professional and Organizational Development Network in Higher Education (POD) fosters human development in higher education through faculty, instructional, and organizational development.

POD believes that people have value, as individuals and as members of groups. The development of students is a fundamental purpose of higher education and requires for its success effective advising, teaching, leadership, and management. Central to POD’s philosophy is lifelong, holistic, personal, and professional learning, growth, and change for the higher education community.


The annual conference typically attracts between 650 and 800 people, and primarily targets practitioners in the fields of educational and organizational development, both novice and experienced. The conference appeals to administrators, faculty, education developers, graduate and professional student developers, graduate students, independent consultants, members of higher education organizations, and publishers for these communities.

Collectively, program sessions do the following:

  • Actively engage participants
  • Reflect current research and theoretical frameworks
  • Involve colleagues from around the world
  • Address needs of graduate students and both new and experienced faculty
  • Stimulate personal growth
  • Build working partnerships
  • Highlight contributions of diversity


Proposal submission is now closed. Proposals featuring best practices, new resources, innovative approaches, discussion of critical issues, presentation of research and work-in-progress were submitted online and were due on Monday, March 10, 2014.  All proposals were evaluated using a blind peer-review process. Detailed information about the session types, topic areas, guidelines for submission, submission process, and the Robert J. Menges Honored Presentation Award are included in the Call for Proposals.



Friday, November 7, 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM

Cathy Davidson - 2014 Plenary

Cathy Davidson

“Learning to Learn”

A passionate manifesto from one of the nation’s leading educational innovators, this talk is a real-world critique of current educational practices and an optimistic argument that we can redesign learning in higher education for the skills students are already developing out of the classroom – collaborative, interest driven, connected to technology, but also deep in global understanding, diversity, and equity. “Learning to Learn” is the story of educational change—how the system we have inherited was made by real individuals, preserved by real institutions, in reaction to real technological and economic circumstances. We are a tipping point where, now, we can remake the systems we have inherited for the contemporary, global, connected world. To make change happen we have to be able to think in several directions at once. The good news is that this process is beginning everywhere worldwide. This talk offers powerful, inspiring stories of administrators, professors, policy makers, learning designers, entrepreneurs, and students who have already made change happen and realistically addresses the opportunities, challenges, and possibilities for changing higher education for the world we live in now.

Cathy N. Davidson, a distinguished scholar of the history of technology and recently appointed to the National Humanities Council by President Obama, is a leading innovator of new ideas and methods for learning and professional development–in school, in the workplace, and in everyday life.


Pre-conference Workshop co-chairs: Katie Kearns and Lynn Eaton.

Full-day Pre-Conference Workshops

Two full-day Pre-Conference Workshops (W1 and W2) begin Wednesday, November 5th, 1:30-4:30,  & continues Thursday, November 6th, 8:30-12:00. (Breakfast on Thursday is included for participants of W1, as is a copy of A Guide to Faculty Development, 2nd Ed. Breakfast is on your own for W2 attendees.)

W1: Getting Started: Workshop for new faculty developers ($150)
Teresa Johnson, The Ohio State University
Jonathan Iuzzini, Monroe Community College
Michele DiPietro, Kennesaw State University

Faculty development can be one of the most rewarding careers in academia but, for most of us, requires the development of new skills and broader perspectives. As we process several core concepts and examples from different types of institutions, participants will engage in discussions, role-plays, and breakout groups to better understand what faculty developers do and how we do it. We’ll practice skill-building and you’ll learn how to say “yes” to the right things. Each participant will leave the session with an individual action plan and a support network to help you achieve your goals.

Topics: Faculty Professional Development, POD Professional Development.
Audience: New/recent faculty developers (5 years or less)

W2 – Leveraging Whole Person Faculty Development through a Center Sponsored Retreat, $110
Steven Hansen, Duquesne University
Leslie Lewis, Duquesne University

Does your faculty need a way to relax, reflect, and re-energize in the company of colleagues who are deeply invested in teaching? This preconference session will give you the opportunity to experience retreat moments and plan a mini-retreat that emphasizes whole person development. We will explore how holistic development through retreat helps faculty with professional acclimation, interpersonal skills, career decisions, and self-reflective practices. When faculty from diverse disciplines, cultural backgrounds, career stages and paths retreat together, they develop a sense of community and new perspectives for getting along within the institution, with colleagues, and with their own developing teaching values.

Topics: Faculty Professional Development, Programs, Diversity
Audience: All POD members, Faculty (conference attendees who are faculty and also part-time developers)

Half-day Pre-Conference Workshops

Thursday, November 6th, 8:30 AM – 12:00 PM.
(Breakfast is not included with half-day workshops. All half-day workshops are $70)

W3 – Working With Faculty to Leverage SoTL Presentations Into Publishable Manuscript
Gregg Wentzell, Miami University
Milton Cox, Miami University

Faculty in increasing numbers are engaging scholarly teaching and learning projects that lead to presentation of SoTL on their campuses and at disciplinary and multidisciplinary conferences. As educational developers, one of our roles can be working with faculty to leverage their presentations into publishable manuscripts. In this session, two SoTL journal editors who are also directors of national teaching and learning conferences will share the approaches they use as both faculty developers and editors to transform faculty presentations into publishable SoTL. Session participants will discuss 3 steps that they can use to work with faculty to develop publishable manuscripts.

Topics: SoTL, POD Professional Development, Teaching & Learning
Audience: All POD members, International POD participants

W4 – Leveraging Faculty Development and Assessment Efforts: A Primer
Catherine Wehlburg, Texas Christian University

This workshop is designed for those who are new to working with assessment and are interested in integrating faculty development efforts with assessment and strategic planning initiatives. By introducing and clarifying assessment and accreditation terms and processes that are central to institutional effectiveness, the participant will be better prepared to return to her/his home institution with the tools and knowledge to take a leadership role. Handouts identifying assessment/faculty development resources will be shared to help inform such fundamental assessment activities as the preparation of student learning outcomes, the use of assessment results to prompt improvement initiatives, and beneficial resources.

Topics: Assessment
Audience: All POD members

W5 – How’s it Going? Reflecting on our Work
Laurel Willingham-McLain, Duquesne University
Suzanne Tapp, Texas Tech University
Mathew Ouellett, Wayne State University
Susan Shadle, Boise State University
Sal Meyers, Simpson College

Congratulations – you’re doing faculty development! What are the opportunities, challenges, and risks before you: reaching all constituents, budgeting, prioritizing, advocating, establishing your professional identity, evaluating your program, meeting increased demands? “How’s It Going?” offers early and mid-career faculty developers an opportunity to consult with peers and experienced mentors. Prior to the session, participants submit an issue they face. The session provides a safe place to collaborate with colleagues in reflecting on specific issues, and together, identifying strategies. The process helps professionals build a sense of efficacy as leaders and establish relationships with colleagues across the career spectrum.

Topics: Administration, Organizational Development, Programs
Audience: New/recent faculty developers (5 years or less), Early and mid-career faculty/TA developers

W6 – Technology as Lever: Addressing Common Instructional Challenges
Michael Truong, Azusa Pacific University
Chris Clark, University of Notre Dame

To fully leverage the power of instructional technologies, faculty should think of them as tools with multiple capabilities. Just as one might use any given technology to address a variety of instructional challenges, so might one also use a range of technologies to attack any given challenge. This session will focus first on identifying common challenges in teaching and learning, then groups will collaborate on choosing tools and strategies to address a particular challenge. Participants will actively engage in group work, dialogue, and practical activities, leaving the session with an action plan that can be implemented at their own campus.

Topics: Faculty Professional Development Teaching & Learning Technology
Audience: Faculty (conference attendees who are faculty and also part-time developers), Instructional Technologists and Technology Integration Specialists

W7 – Leveraging Student-Faculty Partnerships to Enhance Learning and Teaching
Peter Felten, Elon University
Alison Cook-Sather, Bryn Mawr College

Student-faculty partnerships have the potential to enhance, even transform, teaching, learning, and faculty development. Drawing on research literature, case studies, and our own experiences as presented in the book, Engaging Students as Partners in Learning and Teaching (Jossey-Bass, 2014), we will explore effective approaches to promoting deep dialogue among students and faculty regarding learning and teaching. We will use interactive activities to invite participants, in large and small groups, to analyze and critique student-faculty partnership principles and practices. We will conclude with an opportunity for participants to plan how they might develop or enhance similar initiatives in their own contexts.

Topics: Faculty Professional Development, Teaching & Learning, SoTL
Audience: All POD members, Faculty (conference attendees who are faculty and also part-time developers)

W8 – Critical Thinking 2.0: Are we Ready to Launch?
Bill Roberson, University of Albany
Christine Reimers, University of Albany

We know Critical Thinking is a “learnable” operating system, but how is it “teachable”? Models abound–Brookfield, Halperin, Paul & Elder, Ruggiero, Bloom, etc.–all of which point to processes of reasoning and reflection using taxonomies, templates, protocols or procedural frameworks. This session asks participants to leverage the latest research in cognition, neuroscience and motivation theory in questioning our prevailing assumptions about how students become critical thinkers. Risk-taking, managing fear and uncertainty, and embracing discomfort will all be factors, as we envision alternative ways of reframing the Critical Thinking agenda in creating a culture of Critical Thinking at our institutions.

Topics: Teaching & Learning, Retention
Audience: All POD members, Faculty (conference attendees who are faculty and also part-time developers), Conference attendees responsible for broad curricular initiatives

W9 – Leveraging Teaching Methods: A Fresh Look at Purpose
Bridget Arend, University of Denver
James Davis, University of Denver

The popularity of active learning methods and the explosion of online, blended, and flipped delivery options means that college teachers have the ability to choose where, when, how to engage students in learning. As options increase, it is increasingly important to leverage the most appropriate and effective teaching methods. In this workshop, participants will explore seven common ways of learning in higher education. However, we will go beyond the usual discussion of tips and techniques to explore the underlying purpose, rationale, and best use of each method. The activities demonstrated can be used by participants in their own workshops.

Topics: Teaching & Learning, Faculty Professional Development
Audience: All POD members

W10 – An Interactive STEM Pedagogy Training Workshop for Faculty Developers
Denise Leonard, Washington University in Saint Louis
Regina Frey, Washington University in Saint Louis

National reports, such as the report by the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (2012), advocate for widespread adoption of evidence-based, active-learning strategies in undergraduate STEM education. Faculty developers play a central role in helping faculty and future faculty incorporate these strategies, in order to engage and teach diverse students in STEM. In this workshop, participants will experience effective STEM pedagogical methods in collaborative groups and discussions, gain fundamental knowledge of these methods, discuss strategies for creating inclusive classrooms in STEM, and develop plans for implementing similar workshops on their own campuses.

Topics: POD Professional Development, Faculty Professional Development, Teaching & Learning
Audience: New/recent faculty developers (5 years or less), Faculty (conference attendees who are faculty and also part-time developers)

W11 – Ten Ways to Decode an Onion: Strategies from Four Continents
Joan Middendorf, Indiana University
David Pace, Indiana University

Educational developers on four continents are developing new strategies for using Decoding the Disciplines to make explicit the hidden mental operations that are required for critical thinking in particular fields. Participants in this workshop will try out a number of these approaches to see how they can be used to increase the impact of developers on students learning. They will have a chance to explore the application of Decoding through Flipped Class Faculty Learning Communities, individual or group interviews, metaphor-development, creating writing rubrics, or uncovering the mental operations of case analysis with an entire Law School.

Topics: Faculty Professional Development, POD Professional Development, SoTL
Audience: All POD members, Faculty (conference attendees who are faculty and also part-time developers)

W12 – Leverage Our Experience: Write More, Publish More, Stress Less
Dannelle Stevens, Portland State University
Paulina Gutierrez Zepeda, Portland State University

Faculty grapple with trying to squeeze writing and publishing into their already full calendars. Some lack knowledge of, or skills to identify the hidden structures of academic writing that are key to increasing publication acceptance rate. Others face the blank page not knowing where to begin. Most seek to improve in isolation. This session is designed to give participants an opportunity to learn about and practice a powerful set of research-based improvement strategies, including methods for forming and sustaining small writing groups. All of these activities have been used in our highly successful, campus-wide two-year Jumpstart writing program.

Topics: Faculty Professional Development, Programs, Diversity, Graduate Student Professional Development
Audience: Faculty (conference attendees who are faculty and also part-time developers), All POD members

W13 – SGIDs: History, Logistics, Consultations, and Campus Change
Christine Rener, Grand Valley State University
Kathryn Stieler, Grand Valley State University
Carol Hurney, James Madison University
Nancy Harris, James Madison University

The Small Group Instructional Diagnosis (SGID) is a robust mid-semester feedback process that allows instructors to obtain feedback about the learning environment of a course. Although the SGID is a staple faculty development program, many centers may experience difficulty getting the process started, enhancing and growing the program, and leveraging the impact of the program to improve teaching practice across disciplines. This pre-conference workshop includes an overview of SGID research and best practices, discussion of administrative logistics, hands-on exploration of the follow-up consultation, consideration of ways in which SGIDs can positively influence campus culture, and ends with individualized action planning.

Topics:, Faculty Professional Development, Teaching & Learning, Programs
Audience: New/recent faculty developers (5 years or less), Seasoned faculty developers


All concurrent session types undergo a blind peer-review process. A full schedule of concurrent sessions will be available here in summer 2014.

  • 75-minute interactive sessions: Co-chairs Carolyn Oxenford and Lisa Kurz.
    Interactive sessions combine brief presentations or panel discussions with methods that engage all participants, reflecting POD’s long-standing tradition of interactive, collegial sessions.

  • 75-minute roundtable discussions: Co-chairs Bruce Larson and Carl Moore.
    Roundtable discussions provide an opportunity for various kinds of interactions in a smaller group setting (10-15 people), such as discussion of a concept, approach, program, issue, case study, or reading.

  • 35-minute research presentations: Co-chairs Mary-Ann Winkelmes and Julie A. Sievers.
    Research sessions include a presentation and discussion of new or on-going educational, professional, or organizational development research. Session leaders present their original research for the first 20-25 minutes, reserving 10-15 minutes for Q&A.

  • Poster presentations: Co-chairs Jenna Ledford and Olena Zhadko.
    The poster session provides an ideal format for presenting in a context where colleagues can engage in many one-on-one discussions, facilitated by well-designed posters, as well as supplemental materials.

Concurrent sessions may address one or more of the Topics and Audiences below.


  • Adjunct Professional Development: Practices, processes, theories, techniques, programs pertaining specifically to adjunct or part-time faculty development.
  • Administration: Budgeting, funding, management, planning, performance appraisal, staff/faculty recruitment and retention, and other issues concerning the administration of a center or other unit.
  • Assessment: Measuring the effectiveness of an aspect of practice and/or outcomes in order to improve (designate other topics to indicate the subject of assessment – e.g., teaching & learning, programs, Faculty PD).
  • Diversity: addressing under-represented or minority populations on campus, in the classroom, in administration.
  • Faculty Professional Development: Practices, processes, theories, techniques, programs pertaining to faculty development.
  • Graduate Student Professional Development: Practices, processes, theories, techniques, programs pertaining specifically to graduate and professional student development.
  • Organizational Development: Practices, processes, theories, or techniques related to the systemic development of institutions and organizations.
  • POD Professional Development: Practices, processes, theories, techniques, programs pertaining to development of those in the professions represented by POD (e.g., Center staff, technologists, etc.).
  • Programs: Organization, implementation, practices, theories, techniques related to programs and services (in centers and other units).
  • Research: Systematic, generalizable investigations into clearly defined questions, employing accepted methods for data collection and analysis (designate other topics to indicate the subject of research – e.g., teaching & learning, programs, Faculty PD).
  • Retention: Practices, processes, theories, techniques related to retaining students and improving graduation rates.
  • SoTL: Practice of, results of, and programs supporting Scholarship of Teaching and Learning.
  • Start-up: Practices, processes, organizational ideas related to establishment and growth of centers, programs, or other projects.
  • Sustainability: incorporating applying principles of environmental and/or programmatic sustainability into educational development work.
  • Teaching & Learning: Practices, processes, theories, techniques related to classroom and other teaching and learning.
  • Technology: Explorations of current and new technologies that can support teaching, program or organizational development.


  • Administrators
  • All POD members
  • Community colleges
  • Faculty (conference attendees who are faculty and also part-time developers)
  • Historically Black Colleges and Universities
  • International POD participants
  • Instructional Technologists and technology integration specialists
  • Large colleges and universities
  • New/recent faculty developers
  • Seasoned faculty developers
  • Small colleges and universities


In addition to the standard pre-conference workshops, 75-minute sessions, 35-minute sessions, and poster sessions, the POD conference includes POD-sponsored sessions and an anchor session to close the event. POD-sponsored sessions are sponsored and submitted by members of various POD committees, then reviewed and vetted by POD’s Core Committee. The anchor session, a session that has particular importance and/or broad interest to POD membership, is chosen by the Conference Committee.

This year’s Anchor Session, “Leveraging Our Collective Experience: Reflections from Long-Time Faculty Developers,” will be held on Sunday morning, 8:30-10:00 AM. Look forward to an inspiring session leading us to define guiding principles that will enable attendees to explore if these principles resonate, illuminate, reframe, or challenge their current efforts. Facilitators include: Deb DeZure (Michigan State University), Alan Kalish (The Ohio State University), Matt Kaplan (University of Michigan) and Mathew Ouellett (Wayne State University).


New to this year’s conference, POD Unconference (POD-U) provides conference participants with opportunities to engage in peer-to-peer learning, collaborative activities, and creative experiences. POD-U is about YOU, the conference participant! Similar to unconferences held at other events, POD-U is a largely participant-driven track, allowing you to decide what topics and discussions take place. These just-in-time learning experiences are an excellent opportunity for you to share what you know or to learn about something new. In addition to sessions planned and facilitated by conference participants, we have organized several sessions for you to share resources and to engage in conversations with experienced faculty developers and POD committee members.

Below is an overview of POD-U events:

POD-U sessions, offered throughout the conference, are participant-driven events. You can create your own POD-U session or attend one created by someone else. These sessions are ideal for discussing challenges you are facing at your institution, sharing resources you have developed, discussing ideas or issues that emerge during the conference, solving a problem, developing new resources, sharing a personal talent, or simply meeting others with similar (and diverse!) interests. Additional information on how you can create your own POD-U session will be available in September.

Birds of a Feather (BoFs) sessions are informal conversations designed to foster relationships between experienced faculty developers and colleagues new to the field, and are intended to promote more meaningful interaction and deeper relationships than can sometimes occur during regular conference sessions. Each BoFs session is facilitated by an experienced faculty developer with expertise in a particular topic. All sessions take place on Friday from 7:30-8:45 AM. More information on specific BOFs will be available here during summer 2014, as well as in the Conference Program. Please contact BOF coordinators for more information: Marie Kendall Brown and Tershia Pinder-Grover.

In this session, participants have an opportunity to work individually and informally with members of the POD Research Committee and Grants Committee to discuss issues related to conducting educational research, Scholarship of Teaching and Learning research, or writing a competitive POD Network grant proposal. Research discussed can be of various kinds, quantitative as well as qualitative, related to teaching, learning, assessment, evaluation, and professional, organizational, or instructional development. This session takes place with the poster sessions on Friday from 3:45-5:45 PM


The Job Fair will be held on Friday morning from 9:00-10:15 AM. This session should be considered a networking “meet and greet” opportunity, not a time for formal interviews. Job candidates are likely to have more success if they meet face-to-face with potential employers rather than just dropping off a resume; the time can then be used to learn more about the position and the employing institution. Potential employers can use this time to plan a subsequent interview during the conference. More information will be distributed to POD members and conference registrants in the early fall by Job Fair coordinator Greg Siering.


The Resource Fair provides a venue for you to find or exchange information and resources relevant to our work as organizational developers. This is a great opportunity to socialize while acquiring new information or by sharing activities, resources, and services that benefit the POD community. The Resource Fair features tables only from college- and university-affiliated programs and from non-profit organizations. The Resource Fair and Reception will be held on Friday evening from 5:15-6:45 pm. Materials and services may NOT be offered for sale or promoted for sale during the Resource Fair.

Note: If you wish to have a table at the Resource Fair, you must register for the conference and reserve your table in advance by checking the appropriate box on the conference registration form. You or your representative should plan to be at your table to talk with conference participants during the entire session. There is no fee. More information about the Resource Fair will be distributed in the early fall, to those who have reserved a table, by Resource Fair coordinator Taimi Olsen


The Vendor Exhibit will be held on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, excluding the time set aside for the plenary sessions. The Vendor Exhibit and Vendor Workshops are the only times at the conference when items or services may be promoted or offered for sale. We welcome publishers, consultants, and others. If you wish to reserve a table at this event, you must reserve your place in advance by checking the appropriate box on the conference registration form. If you are interested in participating in the vendor exhibit, please mark the appropriate boxes in the registration form.


Vendors who have sponsored the POD conference at the Bronze Level or higher have the opportunity to present an interactive workshop. Interactive workshops are not strictly commercials; rather, they are intended to reflect the engaged and research-based approach of the POD community. The Vendor Exhibit and Vendor Workshops are the only times at the conference when items or services may be promoted or offered for sale.


Space is limited. Some excursions may sell out. If an excursion is full and you wish to be put on a waiting list, send an email to the POD office <[email protected]> with the subject line reading: “Request for Wait List: Excursion E#”. If you wish to reserve a spot for a friend or spouse/partner, send an email to the POD office ([email protected]) with the subject line reading: “Request for Spouse/Partner/Friend reservation for: Excursion E#).

Times below denote hotel departure and estimated return. Plan to be ready 15 minutes before departure.

E1: George W. Bush Library
Thursday, November 6
1:00PM – 3:30PM

E2: Sixth Floor Museum (JFK’s Life, Death, and Legacy)
Thursday, November 6
1:30 – 4:00 PM

E3: South Fork Ranch (home of the Ewings for the TV series Dallas)
Friday, November 7
2:00PM – 4:30PM

E4: Dallas Arboretum
Friday, November 7
2:00PM – 4:30PM

E5: Cowboys Stadium
Saturday, November 8
3:00PM – 6:00PM

E6: Ross Perot Museum of Nature & Science
Saturday, November 8
2:00PM – 4:30PM

E7: Dallas Symphony: Bartok’s BlueBeard’s Castle
Saturday, November 8
7:00PM – 10:00PM (times may change slightly)

E8: Grapevine Vintage Railroad Tour (post-conference excursion)
Sunday, November 9
12:00PM – 7:00PM



The POD conference registration desk will be open at these times:

  • Wednesday 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM
  • Thursday 7:30 AM to 5:00 PM
  • Friday 7:30 AM to 5:00 PM
  • Saturday 7:30 AM to 5:00 PM

Wednesday, November 5th

9:00 AM 9:00 AM-5:00 PM
POD Core Meeting
1:30 PM 1:30-4:30 PM
Pre-Conference Workshop W1 (Part 1)Pre-Conference Workshop W2 (Part 1)


Thursday, November 6th

8:30 AM 8:30-12:00
Pre-Conference Workshops:
W1 (Part 2)
W2 (Part 2)W3-W13
POD Core Meeting
9:00 AM-
5:00 PM
1:30 PM 1:30-2:45 Interactive,
Roundtable, and Research Sessions
Excursion E1:
George W. Bush Presidential Library1:30-4:00Excursion E2:
Sixth Floor Museum (JFK’s Life, Death, and Legacy)
3:00 PM 3:00-4:15 Interactive,
Roundtable, and Research Sessions
4:30 PM 4:30 – 5:30 Introduction to POD for first-time attendees
5:00 PM 5:00-6:15 POD Welcome Reception, co-hosted by the POD Diversity Committee and POD Membership Committee (cash bar)
6:30 PM 6:30-8:00   Conference Dinner: Welcome and President’s Address


Friday, November 7th

6:00 AM 6:00-7:00 Yoga
7:00 AM 7:00-8:45 Continental Breakfast
7:30 AM 7:30-8:45 Birds of a Feather (BOFs) 7:30-
9:00 AM 9:00-10:15 Interactive, Roundtable, and Research Sessions;Job Fair
10:15 AM Break
10:30 AM 10:30-12:00  Plenary Session – Cathy Davidson
12:00 PM 12:00-2:00 Lunch-on-Your-Own &
Committee Meetings
Excursion E3:
South Fork Ranch
Excursion E4: 
Dallas Arboretum
2:15 PM 2:15-3:30
Interactive, Roundtable, Research, and Unconference Sessions
3:30 PM Break
3:45 PM 3:45-5:00 Interactive,
Roundtable, Research, and Unconference Sessions
Poster Session
5:15 PM 5:15-6:45 Resource
Fair (cash bar)
7:00 PM 7:00-8:30
POD Awards Banquet
8:30 PM Karaoke/Dancing


Saturday, November 8th

7:00 AM 7:00-8:00 Yoga 7:00-8:45 Continental Breakfast
Graduate & Professional Student Developers Breakfast
9:00 AM 9:00-10:15 Committee Meetings
10:15 AM Break
10:30 AM 10:30-11:45 Interactive,
Roundtable, Research, and Unconference Sessions
12:00 PM 12:00-1:30
Networking Lunch
1:45 PM 1:45-3:00
Roundtable, Research, and Unconference Sessions
2:00 – 4:30
Excursion E5:
Ross Perot Museum of Nature & Science3:00-6:00
Excursion E6:
Cowboys Stadium
3:00 PM Break
3:15 PM 3:15-4:30 Interactive,
Roundtable, Research, and Unconference Sessions
6:00 PM Dinner-on-Your-Own 7:00-10:00 (subject to change)
Excursion E7:
Dallas Symphony: Bartok’s BlueBeard’s Castle


Sunday, November 9th

6:00 AM 6:00-7:00 Yoga
7:00 AM 7:00-8:30 Continental Breakfast
8:30 AM 8:30-10:00 POD-Sponsored Anchor Session:
Leveraging Our Collective Experience: Reflections from Long-Time Faculty Developers
12:00 PM 12:00-7:00
Excursion E8:

Grapevine Vintage Railroad Tour



(in U.S. dollars)

Note: You must join or renew before you register for the conference.

Individual membership (U.S. & International)


Institutional Membership (U.S. & International) (per person, assuming at least three people from the same institution join or are already members)


Student or Retired (U.S. & International)




Conference registration fees do not include membership dues. All attendees, including one-day attendees, must be current members by the time of conference and can join or renew when registering for the conference. Please see membership dues structure above.

All fees, outlined below, are in U.S. dollars and payment must be made in U.S. dollars.

  • All conference participants are required to be current members of POD.
  • Please note that the conference registration fee includes the designated conference meals, coffee breaks and receptions, as detailed in the Conference Overview above.
  • Pre-conference workshops, educational expeditions, and tables at the vendor exhibit have separate fees, in addition to the registration and membership fees.


“Early Bird” Registration Fee

(Postmarked or submitted online by October 4; deadline strictly observed)

Regular Registration Fee

(Postmarked or submitted online after October 5 and by November 3)

On-site Registration Fee

(On or after November 4)





Student (member)




Retired (member)




One Day Only (member: includes lunch)




Meals only for attendee’s guest (for entire conference). Membership is not required for meals only.





Pre-Conference Workshops are presented in half-day and full-day formats. This year we have two full-day workshops. The fee for full-day workshop W1 is $170. Full-day workshop W2 is $110. All half-day workshops are $70.


The fees for educational expeditions vary and are specified in the descriptions of the expeditions above.


Intercontinental Dallas
15201 Dallas Parkway
Addison, TX 75001, USA
(972) 386-6000

Guests may call (972) 386-6000 to reserve a guestroom or use the custom link below. If calling, refer to “POD Network” in order to receive the group rate of $145 (traditional room – single/double). The group rate is available only until October 13, 2014 (subject to availability).

Intercontinenal Dallas online reservation link here.

Airport / Ground Transportation Information

The two main airports in the Dallas area are Dallas Fort Worth International and Dallas Love Field.

Transportation options from the airport:

from Dallas Fort Worth:

Super Shuttle: $21 one-way / $40 roundtrip (800-BLUE-VAN)

Intercontinental Hotel Town Car: $75 (can be split among 3 or 4 people). To reserve, call 800-386-1592 and ask for the hotel concierge (x4154).

Dallas Yellow Cab: $45 (214-426-6262)

from Dallas Love Field:

Super Shuttle: $21 one-way / $40 roundtrip (800-BLUE-VAN)

Intercontinental Hotel Town Car: $75 (can be split among 3 or 4 people). To reserve, call 800-386-1592 and ask for the hotel concierge (x4154).

Dallas Yellow Cab: $30-40 (214-426-6262)


Packages for the POD conference should be addressed as follows:

Guest Name 
Date of Arrival:
℅ POD Conference
InterContinental Dallas
15201 Dallas Parkway
Addison, TX 75001 

A message will be left in the guest’s box, announcing package arrival. The sending of your package should be timed so as to arrive no more than 3 days before the conference.

Multiple packages within a single shipment should be numbered in sequence. It may be helpful to note individual package contents so that careful records of all materials may be maintained and the sender alerted in the event of damage or non-receipt. No C.O.D. shipments can be accepted; all shipping arrangements must be prepaid. It is advisable that all shipments be sent no sooner than seven days prior to the conference date.
