A POD Network and American Council of Education (ACE) Collaboration
In 2017, the American Council of Education (ACE) released A Beta Faculty Development Matrix, funded by a Strada Education Network grant. Here, we present the next iteration of this tool, generated after extensive feedback from POD Network and ACE members. Readers may utilize this document through a Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial International License.
The matrix provides an evidence-based template for CTL directors and staff to:
- Use as a frame for goal-setting, strategic planning, benchmarking, self-study, program review and/or reflection
- Assess the current status of a CTL and program offerings to improve impact and advocate for funding and resources
- Contribute to innovations, best practices, and research on faculty and educational development, student retention, and student learning
We encourage its use by provosts, deans, and other academic leaders to:
- Develop a new CTL aligned with institutional mission and structure, which contributes to meeting the institution’s teaching and learning goals
- Support an existing CTL for the purpose of highlighting the importance of teaching and learning and assessing whether additional resources, a more appropriate organizational structure, and/or changes to center location would advance institutional priorities
- Assess the role and impact of the CTL within the broader institutional context, with consideration of mission, continuous improvement, strategic planning, and accreditation.
For additional information about the development of the matrix and suggestions for use, please see: