Laura Cruz, Director, Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence, Tennessee Tech University

If you are reading this description, you are likely in the field of educational development (or aspire to be). You may work in for center of teaching and learning (or similar organizational unit) or support faculty in teaching in other ways. You may have been (or continue to be) a scholar in a particular discipline or professional field. Have you considered turning what you do, or what you think about doing, as an educational developer into published scholarship?  

Educational development emphasizes the value of evidence-based practice, and you can be a part of how we enhance that body of evidence. This interactive workshop focuses on providing an overview of the emerging field of the scholarship of educational development,  including what it is, who it’s for, where it came from, and (possibly) where it is going. You will have the opportunity to think through turning your practice into research through inquiry, analysis; and reflection; integrate your disciplinary or professional background into your process;  and consider how research and scholarship may fit into your long-term professional development goals.

You will leave this session with an idea and a plan for your next scholarship project. This session is ideal for beginners or novices; though experienced educational development scholars may also find opportunities to generate new questions, find colleagues with shared interests, and/or shape long-term research goals.

handouts | video recording (52 MB) | session notes