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Chris Anson, North Carolina State University
Student Plagiarism: Are Teachers Part of the Problem or Part of the Solution?
This essay explores ways in which instructors can subvert opportunities for plagiarism by rethinking limited models of writing and engaging students more fully and authentically in the assignments they present.

Virginia S. Lee, North Carolina State University
Promoting Learning through Inquiry
Inquiry-guided learning promotes learning through students’ active, and increasingly independent, investigation of complex questions, problems, and issues. This essay explores its theoretical rationale and the varied classroom practices of this exciting constellation of learning strategies.

George Loacker, Alverno College
Taking Self Assessment Seriously
This essay provides a framework for students to examine and reflect upon their own performance as a demonstration of learning. It further describes students’ role in directing the ongoing development of their own learning.

Anne Moore, Virginia Polytechnic Institute
Great Expectations and Challenges for Learning Objects
Learning objects may be important building blocks in the future of instruction in higher education. This essay explores the importance of emerging standards and practices that invite widespread use of relatively stable “chunks” of information.

Suzanne Burgoyne, University of Missouri
Engaging the Whole Student: Interactive Theatre in the Classroom
This essay explores how instructors can use techniques from Augusto Boal’s Theory of the Oppressed to guide student exploration of ideas-particularly those associated with power and social justice-through images and enactment.

Paul R. Hagner, University of Hartford
Engaging Faculty in New Forms of Teaching and Learning
This essay explores the importance of the motivational state of the faculty member in the success or failure of systematic efforts to transform teaching and learning.

Mary Deane Sorcinelli, University of Massachusetts-Amherst
Promoting Civility and Responding When It Fails in Large Classes
This essay offers practical advice for promoting a positive classroom community in large classes and specific ways to deal with behaviors that affect negatively the teaching and learning process.

Anita Woolfolk-Hoy, The Ohio State University 
Self-Efficacy in College Teaching
The essay describes self-efficacy (i.e., an instructor’s judgment about his or her capability to promote student learning and motivation) and its application to college teaching.