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Edmund Hansen, Emporia State University
From Cognitive Dissonance to Self-Motivated Learning
Motivation is a multi-level change process we need to help students embrace. It often starts with experiences of cognitive dissonance and culminates in the definition of one’s learning purpose.

Pat Hutchings, Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching
Reflections on the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
Drawing on work by The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, this essay explores emergent understandings of the scholarship of teaching and learning, faculty responses, and likely impact.

Matthew Kaplan, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
The Multicultural Teaching Portfolio
This essay explores the rationale for building a multicultural portfolio and offers strategies for documenting and reflecting on multicultural teaching and learning.

Barbara Lounsberry , University of Northern Iowa
Diversity Begins at Home: One Gateway to Multiculturalism
Diversity studies can begin in our backyards. State and regional studies can connect faculty in new ways and reveal racial, ethnic, religious, and cultural diversity – even in locales considered homogenous.

Hittendra Pillay and Bob Elliott, Queensland University of Technology
Imperatives for Reforming Pedagogy and Curriculum
Traditional models of pedagogy and curriculum assume the world is stable and internally consistent and rational. A new pedagogy and curriculum model are proposed, which challenge these assumptions.

Douglas Reimondo Robertson, Eastern Kentucky University
Teaching as an Educational Helping Relationship
This essay offers a conceptualization of college teaching as an educational helping relationship that challenges faculty to integrate inherent conflicts in the teacher (helper) role.

Charles M. Spuches, SUNY College of Environmental Sciences and Forestry
Teachers and Scholars as Designers: Helping people learn is central to our faculty work.
Instructional design theory and practice can help us meet increasing challenges, employ new knowledge and resources, and create optimal learning environments.

Richard Tiberius, University of Toronto
Teachers are Diverse, too: Understanding Beliefs about Teaching and Learning
Teachers hold beliefs about teaching and learning that influence their teaching strategies and their relationships with students. These beliefs may limit what teachers do but they need not limit their success.