Showing all 8 results

W12: An Equity-Minded Approach to Institutional Data and Co-Creating Course Design
Sunday, November 10,2024: 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm

Participants will engage in an identity mapping exercise and will explore their own positions within systemic structures, setting the stage for deeper empathy and understanding.

W13: Developing Signature Coaching Capacities to Invigorate Educational Development Practice
Sunday, November 10,2024: 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm

This three-hour workshop features an evidence-based coaching capacities framework tool that demystifies the dispositions and expressions that support psychological safety co-creation.

W14: Directors as Catalysts: Transformative Pathways for Center and Professional Growth
Sunday, November 10,2024: 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm

Join experienced directors for a session that uses dynamic small group exercises to introduce tools and approaches that will help you unleash your catalytic power as a new or aspiring center director.

W15: Discovering Your Story: A Structured, Collaborative CTL External Review Process
Sunday, November 10,2024: 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm

This session will draw heavily on two evidence-based frameworks to introduce participants to a structured and collaborative CTL external review process that is adaptable to local contexts, including different institutional types, CTL configurations and sizes, and varying purposes (e.g., initiated by policy, a request from leadership, or CTL self-interest).

W16: Facilitating Student-Instructor-Staff Partnerships in STEM Equity Learning Communities
Sunday, November 10,2024: 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm

In this workshop, we guide participants through the creation and facilitation of interdisciplinary STEM Equity Learning Communities (SELCs).

W17: Relationships Reconsidered: Enhancing Learning and Well-being through Nature Connection
Sunday, November 10, 2024: 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm

This session gives educational developers both a personally restorative experience and a model for nature-connected approaches to teaching and center programming. By experimenting with accessible practices, participants will gain an embodied understanding of the researched benefits of using campus green spaces to cultivate belonging, creativity, collaboration, and emotional well-being elements instrumental to student and faculty learning.

W18: Teaching Effectiveness Frameworks: Relationally rich and equitable development of faculty
Sunday, November 10,2024: 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm

In this workshop, participants will: 1) examine a variety of teaching effectiveness frameworks, contributing their own institutions’ framework; 2) collectively brainstorm the ways that frameworks connect to evidence of teaching effectiveness; 3) identify relationally rich and equitable faculty development strategies for broad faculty engagement with frameworks at their institution.

W19: Working Strategically for Relationship-Rich Educational Development and Institutional Change
Sunday, November 10, 2024: 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm

This workshop will guide participants in how to operationalize relational practice and to build relational cultures in and through their work.