Beyond Inclusion: Critical Approaches to Intercultural Competence in the Classroom

Friday, September 20, 2019, 1–2 EST Facilitators, Stacy Grooters and Matthew Goode, Boston College This session questions whether the goal of “inclusion” in the classroom is adequate to address the challenges posed by the current political climate. It marries two schools of thought—intercultural competence and anti-oppressive pedagogies—in order to imagine a pedagogical framework that attends…

Increasing Access and Accessibility for Teaching and Learning Centers

Friday, May 24, 2019, 1-2 EST Facilitator: Thomas J. Tobin, University of Wisconsin-Madison There are many resources out there to help faculty members and instructional designers to increase students’ access to content, sense of control and choice in interactions, and level of engagement with each other, instructors, and the wider world. In this virtual roundtable…


Starting a Center for Teaching and Learning

Dickens, E., Cruz, L., Alderson, J., Atias, D., Graham, R., Hurney, C.A., Parker, M., Smentkowski, B., Smitherman, M., Thomas, M. Troisi, J.D., Vincent-Layton, K., and Wang, C. (2019). POD Speaks #3 (2019): 1–6 Starting a CTL is an exciting but complex endeavor, requiring a strong awareness of institutional culture and needs. Administrators, faculty, and other…