Spring 2012 Core Committee Minutes
March 30 & 31 Chicago, IL
(approved by Core in May, 2012)
A summary of actions taken precedes the minutes. Parking Lot items (issues postponed until the end of the meeting) are listed at the end of the summary. Minutes include succinct discussion highlights.
- E-minutes were approved (decision made electronically by ExecutiveCommittee/Core since Fall 2011 meeting)
Executive Director Report
- Request to increase 2012 conference registration fees by $20 to cover increased food costs in Seattle and auto-registration fees, with the understanding that registration fees are reviewed each year, was approved.
- Request from Andrea Beach, Ann Austin and Mary Deane Sorcinelli to invite POD members from their own survey platform rather than via the POD member listserv for the POD-approved survey “Creating the Future of Faculty Development: Update to 2006 Study” was approved, with the understanding that a clear “opt out of future survey mails” option be included in each email.
Adjunct Faculty Subcommittee
- The request to become a full committee was not approved (One5; the rest 6s&7s).
Awards & Recognition Committee
Innovation Award Subcommittee
– The budget request for $200 for award plaque was approved.
Menges Award Subcommittee
– The budget request for $700 for plaque(s) was approved.
Spirit of POD Subcommittee
– The request to approve new wording of award text was approved.
– It was agreed that the “Certificate of Special Achievement” would not be continued.
– The budget request for $100 for gift award was approved.
Conference Committee
- The budget request for $12,000 for 2012 plenary speakers ($8000forMichaelWesch, $3000 for Alex Soojung-Kim Pang plus $1000 for travel and expenses) was approved.
- The budget request for $300 for conference logo design was approved.
Diversity Committee
- The budget request for travel grants @ $10,000 (10 grants at $1,000 per grant) and for an internship Grant @ $5,000 ($1,000 included for travel to conference) was approved.
Electronic Communications & Resources Committee (ECRC)
- The budget request for $30,000 in Special Projects funds for new website was approved.
- The budget request for $2500 for Guidebook conference program application was approved.
Finance Committee
- The request to use Grace Small as investment advisor was approved.
- The request to invest funds as proposed in report was approved.
- The request to make changes in Fiscal Policies text in GM was approved.
- The new Special Projects Call for Proposals & Form was approved.
Graduate and Professional Student Development (GPSD)
- The budget request of $2700 for 10 graduate student scholarships was approved.
Grants Committee
- The request to approve different types of grants was approved.
- The budget request of $9000 for grants was approved.
History Committee
- The budget request of $1000 for continued digitization of POD archives was approved. —The budget request of $200 for full NTLF archive was approved (One 4; the rest 1s & 2s).
Membership Committee
- The budget request of $500 for marketing was approved.
Professional Development Committee
- The POD/AACU 2013 OD Institute Call for Proposals was approved.
Publications Committee
- The budget request of $10,000 in Special Projects funds to be paid to Jossey-Bass for TIA back volume digitization was approved.
- The budget request of $2200 for administrative assistance for TIA volume32 was approved.
Research Committee
- The request for approval of revised processes for survey research was approved.
- The request to post on WikiPODia a publicly editable database of faculty development “best practices” was approved.
- The budget request of $3500 for research assistant was approved.
Small College Committee
- No action or budget items
2012/13 Budget
- The request to re-start the Start-up Grant Program ($1500) was approved.
- 2012/13Budgetwasapprovedbyvote.
Governance Manual
- The revised version of the Governance Manual was approved by vote.
New Business / Parking Lot Items
- Governance Committee will consider models and implications of lengthening the term of the POD president.
- It was agreed that both “Core” and “Board of Directors” will and can be used interchangeably for POD’s main governing body.
- It was agreed that a formal Members Meeting (30 to 60 minutes) will be held at each fall conference starting in 2012; as specified in the Governance Manual.
- The following task force will investigate/propose a name review and change process for the POD Network in Higher Education: Michele DiPietro; Kathryn Plank; Jim Therrell; Kevin Barry; Hoag Holmgren, plus a small number of ex-presidents or other long-time POD members as well as newer members.
- Governance Committee will clarify path ways to committee status.
- Governance Committee will clarify/develop guidelines for Outreach Committee.
- Conference Committee will clarify guidelines for choosing plenary speakers.
Friday, March 30
Present: Phyllis Dawkins, President; Michele DiPietro, President Elect; Peter Felten, Past President; Angela Linse, Chair of Finance; Hoag Holmgren, Executive Director; Dakin Burdick; Eli Collins-Brown; Deandra Little; Shaun Longstreet; Bonnie Mullinix; Harriette Richard; Suzanne Tapp; Jim Therrell; Laurel Willingham-McLain; Mary-Ann Winkelmes; Chantal Levesque; Hugh Crumley; Martin Springborg; De Gallow; Mary Wright
Missing: Derek Bruff; Therese Huston; Kevin Johnston
Dinner/Introductions/Welcome new Core members
Strategic Planning Discussion
- POD Name
- Length of POD president’s term
- Name of Core
Draft of Strategic Plan distributed for review on Saturday
Saturday, March 31
Present: Phyllis Dawkins, President; Michele DiPietro, President Elect; Peter Felten, Past President; Angela Linse, Chair of Finance; Hoag Holmgren, Executive Director; Dakin Burdick; Eli Collins-Brown; Deandra Little; Shaun Longstreet; Bonnie Mullinix; Harriette Richard; Suzanne Tapp; Jim Therrell; Laurel Willingham-McLain; Mary-Ann Winkelmes; Chantal Levesque; Hugh Crumley; Martin Springborg; De Gallow; Mary Wright
Missing: Derek Bruff; Therese Huston; Kevin Johnston
Strategic Planning Review
- revised document needs more discussion, still a work in progress
Overview / Ground Rules for meeting
Overview of Budget, Angela Linse
- Organization of layout; note separation of investment from operating budget; we try to err on the side of projecting conservative revenue numbers.
Acknowledgement that 2011 Fall Core Committee meeting minutes were approved.
- E-minutes were approved (decision made electronically by Executive Committee/Core since Fall 2011 meeting)
Executive Director Report
- Request to increase 2012 conference registration fees by $20 to cover increased food costs in Seattle and auto-registration fees, with the understanding that registration fees are reviewed each year, was approved.
- Request from Andrea Beach, Ann Austin and Mary Deane Sorcinelli to invitePOD members from their own survey platform rather than via the POD member listserv for the POD-approved survey “Creating the Future of Faculty Development: Update to 2006 Study” was approved, with the understanding that a clear “opt out of future survey mails” option be included in each email.Adjunct Faculty Subcommittee
- The request to become a full committee was not approved (One5; the rest 6s&7s). Consensus on the value of adjunct faculty development work; not clear why this should be a full-blown committee; what are they “sub” of?; raises the issue of how to determine which groups can/should be committees and that such a process should be clarified; perhaps invite them to the fall conference Core meeting to discuss; Martin S. will follow up with group.
Awards & Recognition Committee
- The budget request for $200 for award plaque was approved.
Menges Award Subcommittee
- The budget request for $700 for plaque(s) was approved.
Possibility to pursue fund-raising component via Mrs. Menges; Mary-Ann and Hoag to follow up.
Spirit of POD Subcommittee
- The request to approve new wording of award text was approved.
- It was agreed that the “Certificate of Special Achievement” would not be continued.
- The budget request for $100 for gift award was approved.
Conference Committee
- The budget request for $12,000 for 2012 plenary speakers ($8000 for Michael Wesch, $3000 for Alex Soojung-Kim Pang plus $1000 for travel and expenses) was approved.
- The budget request for $300 for conference logo design was approved.
Diversity Committee
- The budget request for travel grants @ $10,000 (10 grants at $1,000 per grant) and for an internship Grant @ $5,000 ($1,000 included for travel to conference) was approved.
Electronic Communications & Resources Committee (ECRC)
- The budget request for $30,000 in Special Projects funds for new website was approved.
- The budget request for $2500 for Guide book conference program application was approved.
ECRC will bring recommendation to Exec Committee to hopefully begin work this summer, with a 6-month timeline to finish.
Finance Committee
- The request to use Grace Small as investment advisor was approved.
- The request to invest funds as proposed in report was approved.
- The request to make changes in Fiscal Policies text in GM was approved.
- The new Special Projects Call for Proposals & Form was approved. (Committee should include: announcement about the amount of funds available; possibility of multi-year uses of monies; what distinguishes a proposal as a “special project” instead of normal spring budget request)
Graduate and Professional Student Development (GPSD)
- The budget request of $2700 for 10 graduate student scholarships was approved.
Grants Committee
- The request to approve different types of grants was approved.
- The budget request of $9000 for grants was approved.
History Committee
- The budget request of $1000 for continued digitization of POD archives was approved.
- The budget request of $200 for full NTLF archive was approved (1s & 2s, plus One 4).
Need to develop process for determining what POD does and does not archive.
Membership Committee
- The budget request of $500 for marketing was approved.
2000 member goal by the end of 2012; perhaps connect with HETL in a more formal way to assist in outreach efforts.
Professional Development Committee
- The POD/AACU 2013 OD Institute Call for Proposals was approved.
Publications Committee
- The budget request of $10,000 in Special Projects funds to be paid to Jossey-Bass for TIA back volume digitization was approved.
This would be for the volumes where JB holds the copyright; would be done by article; POD members will have free access; right now this is an informal understanding with JB; this is a request to spend up to $10K; need more discussion regarding how to make these widely available/accessible if not indexed.
- The budget request of $2200 for administrative assistance for TIA volume 32 was approved.
Research Committee
- The request for approval of revised processes for survey research as outlined in report was approved.
(Suggestion for Committee: carefully document the process of approvals and non-approvals.) - The request to post on WikiPODia a publicly editable database of faculty development “best practices” was approved.
- The budget request of $3500 for research assistant was approved.
Small College Committee
- No action or budget items
INFD Report (DiPietro)Dropped international from title; conducted follow-up session at conference where the INFD were new to POD yet already knew each other. Planning to re-apply for 2013. Consensus among Core that this was an exemplary report.
NEA Task Group Report, Therrell
Thirty-eight schools in U.S. looking for innovative approaches to working with teachers in those schools; open to new interactions.
Budget Discussion, Linse, Holmgren
- The request to re-start the Start-up Grant Program ($1500) was approved.
- 2012/13 Budget was approved by vote.
Governance Manual, Felten
- The revised version of the Governance Manual was approved by vote.
Point of this revision was to clarify, simplify, and make user-friendly: NOT to change any policies; attempted to reduce redundancy and repetition except where desired; improved the coherence of the format; we should add the consensus model of approving or disapproving to the Bylaws.
New Business / Parking Lot Items, Dawkins
- Governance Committee will consider models and implications of lengthening the term of the POD president.
- It was agreed that both “Core” and “Board of Directors” will and can be used interchangeably for POD’s main governing body.
GM refers to Core as Board of Directors; desire for consistency and standardization, yet why do we want to be like other organizations; Core has warm, personal appeal (working from the center) where Board of Directors seems too top-down; on the other hand, Core is in fact the BOD, so why not call it that?; acknowledgement of the influence of names and language on the culture of an organization and vice versa; a name change of this type should be undertaken with considerable care. - It was agreed that a Members Meeting (30 to 60 minutes) will be held at each fall conference, starting in 2012; per Governance Manual.
- The following task force will investigate/propose a name review and change process for the POD Network in Higher Education: Michele DiPietro; Kathryn Plank; Jim Therrell; Kevin Barry; Hoag Holmgren, plus a small number of ex-presidents or other long-time POD members as well as newer members.
- Governance Committee will clarify pathways to committee status.
- Governance Committee will clarify/develop guidelines for Outreach Committee.
- Conference Committee will clarify guidelines for choosing plenary speakers.
Presidential Transition and Adjournment
Minutes compiled by Hoag Holmgren, Executive Director