Spring 2011 Core Committee Minutes
March 18 & 19, 2011 Chicago, IL
Approved by Core on April 21, 2011
A summary of actions taken precedes the minutes. Following the summary are Parking Lot items (unresolved issues); a list of items with assigned committees for reporting back at the Fall 2011 meeting; and a list of 5-Year/Big Picture ideas for POD.
E-minutes Approved (decisions of Executive Committee and/or Core made electronically since Fall 2010 meeting).
Executive Director Report
- Request to begin preliminary hotel search in NE area (Montreal, Toronto, New England) for 2013 conference approved.
- Change in Governance Manual to allow POD to pay for alcoholic beverages at the president‟s reception during the fall conference, not to exceed $500, was approved by formal vote.
Awards Committee
Menges Award Subcommittee
- Request for $532.00 for plaques and for printing and mailing paper certificates to past recipients of shared Menges Awards approved.
- Request for change in Governance Manual to reflect actual composition of members in recent years approved by formal vote.
Adjunct Faculty Subcommittee
- Request for full POD committee status not approved due to work underway to re-visit and re-structure committee system.
Conference Committee
- Request for $1500 for on-site registration coordinator approved.
Diversity Committee
- Request that Core consider the following changes for future POD conferences was approved, to be shared with conference planning team for 2012 planning:
- CFP should reflect a broader invitation for sessions addressing diversity
- Include diversity more clearly in the criteria for evaluations
- The request that Core considers diversity more explicitly in decision-making will be addressed by the Ad Hoc Core Subcommittee on Diversity to report back at the fall conference.
- Request for $15,000 for Travel Grants & Internship Grant approved:
- $10,000 (10 grants at $1,000 per grant)
- $5,000 ($1,000 included for travel to conference)
- Request for assistance with assessment of the Diversity Committee was approved; Executive Committee will send questions to all committees and report back in fall.
Electronic Communication and Resources Committee (ECRC)
- Request for Website Overhaul Project budget: $20,000 for 11-12 budget year from Special Projects Fund (more details forthcoming) approved.
Finance & Audit Committee
- The recommended changes in the Governance Manual regarding Special Projects funds disbursement via annual committee proposals was approved by formal vote.
- Request for permission to move forward with gifting initiative was approved.
Graduate & Professional Student Development
- Request for sponsorship of ten GPSD Awards for graduate students to attend the POD 2011 conference, each paying $50, was approved.
Grants Committee
- Request for addition of the words “at least” to the Governance Manual wording on page 34 to expand the committee and have more systematic succession planning was approved.
- Request for $8,000 in grants for the 2011-2012 budget was approved.
- Request for approval for electronic repository was approved. — Request for $800 for digitization of materials at UNL archives was approved.
Professional Development Committee
- Request for Core „s support of the PDC‟s recommendation of a “contingent yes” for an MSU 2012 institute was approved.
- Request for $250 for printing and supplies for the Post-it to POD registration activity at the 2011 Atlanta conference was approved.
Publication Committee
- Request to pilot a digital publication of the newsletter for two issues was approved.
- Request for Mike Theall to proceed on the IDEA Notes updates was approved.
- The request for suggestions for a Founding Editor for the POD White Paper Series was tabled until the fall 2011 meeting.
- Request for $2250 for clerical support for TIA editor Jim Groccia was approved.
Research Committee
- Request for $5000 to pay for research assistance as it continues to analyze Membership Survey data was approved.
Conference Site Selection Ad Hoc Subcommittee
Proposal to include labor union dispute clause in hotel contracts beginning with the 2012 site, giving POD the choice to opt out of contract with no penalty if hotel is engaged in a labor dispute as identified by the website/organization Hotel Workers Rising, was approved.
2011-12 Proposed POD Budget was unanimously approved by formal vote.
- Should POD take more of an advocacy role regarding teaching/learning/faculty, perhaps similar to AAHE?
- What is POD for? Who is POD for? What is POD‟s name? (a need to move from fragmentation to integration)
- Should we focus more on retention in POD?
- How can we strengthen/increase awareness of POD?
- Should POD be seen more as interdisciplinary in its support of faculty development?
- Should we change the name of POD so it reflects more obviously what we do?
- Should we create/implement a marketing plan as a way to define what we do and who we are?
- Where does POD‟s influence come from?
- Who are our peers / competitors / stakeholders?
- What is our connection to / influence in the media?
- POD should become THE resource in…
- How to handle/nurture/facilitate/moderate competition within POD?
ASSIGNED ITEMS (to report back at Fall 2011 Core meeting)
- Message to membership re: Japan tragedy (EXEC COMMITTEE)
- Kennesaw “Provost” event (EXEC COMMITTEE)
- Responding to institutional decisions to close centers (EXEC COMMITTEE)
- Extra day at the Fall 2011 meeting to tackle Strategic Plan (EXEC COMMITTEE)
- How aggressive can we be with investments & how well linked are they to the Strategic Plan (EXEC COMMITTEE & FINANCE & AUDIT COMMITTEE)
- How do we know if collaborations with other orgs are successful (EXEC COMMITTEE)
- Collecting demographic data when members renew/join (MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE)
- Add demographic data to conference evaluation (MEMBERSHIP & CONFERENCE COMMITTEE)
- Relationship of POD to universities, i.e., UNL repository (ECRC)
- Print versus e-version of TIA, white papers, etc. (PUBLICATIONS COMMITTEE)
- Sustaining membership levels (MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE)
5-YEAR BIG PICTURE NOTES FOR POD (what POD should be doing/addressing in 5 years):
- Redefining teaching centers Changing faculty roles/job security
- Outcomes-based assessment
- Technology integrated in Teaching & Learning and in POD
- Collaborative Research
- Clear impact on our practices and student learning
- Advocacy
- Globalization
- For-profit initiatives
- Changing financial models
- Aging faculty / younger faculty / increase in part-time & adjunct
- Understanding the big picture
- More attention to spirituality & well-being
- Decrease in humanities programs
- Increase in class divisions
- POD‟s volunteer base
- Changing demographics
- Access to higher ed
- Unionization/political conflicts
Friday, March 18
Present: Peter Felten, President; Mike Theall, Past President; Phyllis Dawkins, President Elect; Angela Linse, Finance & Audit Chair; Hoag Holmgren, Executive Director; Michele DiPietro, Kevin Barry; Derek Bruff; Dakin Burdick; Peggy Cohen; Therese Huston; Deandra Little; Bonnie Mullinix; Frank Tuitt; Laurel Willingham-McLain; Mary-Ann Winkelmes, Suzanne Tapp, Shaun Longstreet, Harriett Richard; Jim Therrell; Eli Collins-Brown
Absent: Kevin Johnston
Dinner/Introductions/Welcome new Core members
Discussion: 5-Year Big Picture / Strategic Planning & Thinking Big — what POD should be doing/addressing in 5 years
Summary of Discussion Items:
- Redefining teaching centers
- Changing faculty roles/job security
- Outcomes-based assessment
- Technology integrated in Teaching & Learning and in POD
- Collaborative Research
- Clear impact on our practices and student learning
- Advocacy
- Globalization For-profit initiatives
- Changing financial models
- Aging faculty / younger faculty / increase in part-time & adjunct
- Understanding the big picture
- More attention to spirituality & well-being
- Decrease in humanities programs
- Increase in class divisions
- POD‟s volunteer base
- Changing demographics
- Access to higher ed
- Unionization/political conflicts
Saturday, March 19
Present: Peter Felten, President; Mike Theall, Past President; Phyllis Dawkins, President Elect; Angela Linse, Finance & Audit Chair; Hoag Holmgren, Executive Director; Michele DiPietro, Kevin Barry; Derek Bruff; Dakin Burdick; Peggy Cohen; Therese Huston; Deandra Little; Bonnie Mullinix; Frank Tuitt; Laurel Willingham-McLain; Mary-Ann Winkelmes, Suzanne Tapp, Shaun Longstreet, Harriett Richard; Jim Therrell; Eli Collins-Brown
Absent: Kevin Johnston
Welcome & Overview, Peter Felten
Overview of 2011-2012 Proposed Budget
Request for one word from each Core member to evoke POD’s future:
advocacy; rolling strategic plan; transparent governance; mission focus; advocacy & data-driven accountability; focus for today and tomorrow; identity; impact; presence & uncertainty; value-added; aggressive advocacy; organization should tell stories; identify awareness and advocacy; 21st Century; defining who we are & where we‟re going; voice; strong impact; visibility; flexibility & improvisation; planning & professionalism; marketing plan; community & create
Acknowledgement of approval of October 2010 Minutes
Executive Director Report
- E-minutes Approved (decisions of Executive Committee and/or Core made electronically since Fall 2010 meeting).
- Request to begin preliminary hotel search in NE area (Montreal, Toronto, New England) for 2013 conference approved.
- Change in Governance Manual to allow POD to pay for alcoholic beverages at the president‟s reception during the fall conference, not to exceed $500, was approved by formal vote.
Awards Committee
Menges Award Subcommittee
- Request for $532.00 for plaques and for printing and mailing paper certificates to past recipients of shared Menges Awards approved.
- Request for change in Governance Manual to reflect actual composition of members in recent years approved by formal vote.
Adjunct Faculty Subcommittee
- Request for full POD committee status not approved due to work underway to re-visit and re-structure committee system.
Core voiced strong support for adjuncts and for the subcommittee‟s work acknowledging increasing importance likely in coming years. Decision was less a yes or no than a reflection of the current restructuring.
Conference Committee
- Request for $1500 for on-site registration coordinator approved.
Diversity Committee
- Request that Core consider the following changes for future POD conferences was approved, to be shared with conference planning team for 2012 planning:
- CFP should reflect a broader invitation for sessions addressing diversity
- Include diversity more clearly in the criteria for evaluations
- The request that Core considers diversity more explicitly in decision-making will be addressed by the Ad Hoc Core Subcommittee on Diversity to report back at the fall conference.
- Request for $15,000 for Travel Grants & Internship Grant approved:
- $10,000 (10 grants at $1,000 per grant)
- $5,000 ($1,000 included for travel to conference)
- Request for assistance with assessment of the Diversity Committee was approved; Executive Committee will send questions to all committees and report back in fall.
Harriet Richard and Dakin Burdick will be DC/Core liaisons.
Electronic Communication and Resources Committee (ECRC)
- Request for Website Overhaul Project budget: $20,000 for 11-12 budget year from Special Projects Fund (more details forthcoming) approved.
Derek will follow up with how the ECRC can best promote POD‟s mission and be an advocate for POD.
Finance & Audit Committee
- The recommended changes in the Governance Manual regarding Special Projects funds disbursement via annual committee proposals was approved by formal vote.
- Request for permission to move forward with gifting initiative was approved.
Graduate & Professional Student Development
- Request for sponsorship of ten GPSD Awards for graduate students to attend the POD 2011 conference, each paying $50, was approved.
How to better include/welcome grad students at the conference? Perhaps have a special reception? Make grad students more visible in the Strategic Plan?
Grants Committee
- Request for addition of the words “at least” to the Governance Manual wording on page 34 to expand the committee and have more systematic succession planning was approved.
- Request for $8,000 in grants for the 2011-2012 budget was approved.
- Request for approval for electronic repository was approved.
- Request for $800 for digitization of materials at UNL archives was approved.
Professional Development Committee
- Request for Core’s support of the PDC’s recommendation of a “contingent yes” for an MSU 2012 institute was approved (several 3 and 4-finger responses: concern that this is premature as we’re re-structuring the SP; concern about setting precedent; should we be supporting this?)
- Request for $250 for printing and supplies for the Post-it to POD registration activity at the 2011 Atlanta conference was approved.
Publication Committee
- Request to pilot a digital publication of the newsletter for two issues was approved.
- Request for Mike Theall to proceed on the IDEA Notes updates was approved.
- The request for suggestions for a Founding Editor for the POD White Paper Series was tabled until the fall 2011 meeting.
- Request for $2250 for clerical support for TIA editor Jim Groccia was approved. (Discussion about publicizing this so potential editors without much staff can see that they can get support.)
Research Committee
- Request for $5000 to pay for research assistance as it continues to analyze Membership Survey data was approved.
Bonnie Mullinix is now co-chair with Mary-Ann Winkelmes.
2011 IINFD Report, Michele DiPietro
- Everything looking very good; overview of faculty, including international faculty, registration numbers to date.
Ad Hoc Task Group Reports
- assignments from Fall 2010
Research Committee / access to membership survey data
(Bonnie Mullinix, Catherine Wehlburg, Mike Theall, Mary-Ann Winkelmes)
- Planning a POD-sponsored conference session to summarize data, no plan yet for making raw data available.
Developing a Strategic Planning Process for Core
- Executive Committee will continue plan for Fall 2011 meeting, using notes from Spring 2011 meeting.
Mission/Values/Goals – Defining & Operationalizing Diversity
(Frank; Kevin B.; Therese; Peter; Hoag; Kevin J.)
- Will work on report for Fall 2011, using items in DC report.
Digital Repository & Secure Communication
(Dakin; Derek; Hoag)
- Dakin secured permission for digital repository at UNL; Derek created DropBox folder for Core.
Committee & Core Communication
(Phyllis, Laurel, Angela, Deandra)
- Governance Manual needs to be cleaned up, re-organized, with clear timelines or each committee; report templates; handed off to Governance Committee for Fall 2011
Grants & Awards Processes
(Dieter; Mary-Ann; Mike; Bonnie)
- Needs more attention, to be addressed in Fall 2011
Conference Site Selection
(Kevin B; Frank; Hoag)
- Proposal to include labor union dispute clause in hotel contracts beginning with the 2012 site, giving POD the choice to opt out of contract with no penalty if hotel is engaged in a labor dispute as identified by the website/organization Hotel Workers Rising, was approved. Clean/green environmental will also be taken into consideration.
2011-12 Proposed POD Budget
- was unanimously approved by formal vote.
New Business
- NEA proposal for $4000 conference sponsorship, including 5 scholarships, this fall: Phyllis will pursue
Wrap-up & One Minute Evaluation of Meeting
Presidential Transition & Adjourn
(Minutes prepared by Hoag Holmgren, Executive Director)