Fall 2011 Core Committee Minutes

October 26 & 27
Atlanta, GA
(approved by Core in February, 2012)

A summary of actions taken precedes the minutes. Parking Lot items (unresolved issues) are listed at the end of the summary.


  • E-minutes were approved (decision made electronically by Executive Committee/Core since Spring 2011 meeting)

Executive Director Report

  • Kevin and Harriette agree to work with Hoag to review registration fees for a possible increase in 2012

Conference Committee

  • The recommendation of Natasha Haugnes and Cassandra Horii as 2012 Conference Chairs was approved.
  • The recommendation of a new type of conference session: a 35-minute research- focused session & the creation of an ad hoc committee to further define the session type and review criteria was approved (Eli, Shaun, Derek, Suzanne, Harriette, Dakin, Peter).
  • The recommendation to revise the topic and audience designation for conference sessions, with help from a Core subcommittee was approved (same group as above).
  • The request to include questions in the annual conference feedback survey for a research project conducted by the Staff and Educational Development Association Conference was approved.
  • The request to revise the POD-Sponsored CFP to allow certain recurring sessions to be proposed/requested without counting toward a given committee’s sole allowed proposal (Dr. Is In; Getting Published in TIA, etc.) was approved with a note that this is a slippery slope, i.e., the practices should be consistent from year to year; please include details annually regarding which ones are recurring/included.
  • The request for Core to recommend a suitable process for rotating leadership/facilitation of the POD-sponsored Getting Started session (tying the leadership perhaps to the IINFD) as approved and referred to the Professional Development Committee.
  • The request to redefine TIGs was approved with a note that they should be intentionally aligned with tracks & continue to dialogue throughout the year. Also, if TIGs are aligned with sessions, this can be part of the pool that reviews focused topics.
  • The request for assistance in improving the proposal review process was referred back to the Conference Committee with ad hoc committee named above.
  • The request for approval not to change the policy regarding the number of conference session proposals an individual allowed to submit was approved.

Diversity Committee

  • The request to change the Diversity Committee section of Governance Manual was approved by forwarding this to the Governance Committee which is currently gathering items for the GM to be approved in Spring 2012.


  • The request to allocate up to $1500 of the $20,000 already earmarked for a new POD website to hire a website consultant was approved (not an off-cycle budget request).

Finance Committee

  • The request to name this committee Finance Committee was approved.

GPSD Committee

  • no action items

Grants Committee

  • no action items


  • The request to create History Committee was approved.
  • The request for $1000 for continued digitization of POD archives will be revisited in the spring.

Innovation Award Subcommittee

  • The request if the “innovation/originality” element of the award can be weighed more heavily and the question: does Core need to approve changes in overall evaluation process? was referred back to committee; chair is empowered to make this change.

Membership Committee

  • no action items

Menges Award Subcommittee

  • The request to use the rubric that was tested July-August of 2011 was approved.
  • The request to present a certificate to Gay Menges this Friday night was approved.
  • The request to award one plaque per institution will be revisited in the spring.

Professional Development Committee

  • The request to establish a procedure for identifying topics and staffing future POD-sponsored sessions at the POD/AAC&U Institute was approved.
  • The request to establish a process to review unsolicited proposals was approved.

Publications Committee

  • The request to distribute a brief survey to POD membership on the electronic version of the newsletter was approved.
  • The request to extend the digital pilot of the electronic issue of the newsletter was approved.

Research Committee

  • The request to share the full POD membership survey report to the POD membership was approved.
  • The request to archive all surveys on wikiPODia was approved.
  • The request to post instructions on POD-sponsored surveys was approved.
  • The request to post an online directory of POD researchers was approved.

Small College Committee

  • no action items

Spirit of POD Subcommittee

  • The request to go over budget by $50 for the SPOD award (due to possibly 2 nominees) required no action as the budget was not exceeded.

Ad Hoc Committee on POD Membership Survey Access and Use

  • The following requests were approved for the committee’s next steps:
    • Develop guidelines for appropriate use of data (internally and externally);
    • Develop a request process including criteria, review procedures and response timelines;
    • Suggest a process (possibly in collaboration with the ECRC) for preserving and protecting membership survey data in a secure, password-protected digital archive

PARKING LOT ITEMS (with assignments)

Review/propose name change of POD: Governance Committee
  • Certificate/recognition for “friends of POD” : Gifting Subcommittee
  • Fact Book: Membership Committee
  • Terms of POD presidents: Executive Committee
  • NEA work group: (Jim, Dakin, Phyllis, Hoag)


October 26

Present: Phyllis Dawkins, President; Peter Felten, Past President; Michele DiPietro, President Elect; Hoag Holmgren, Executive Director; Kevin Barry; Derek Bruff; Dakin Burdick; Therese Huston; Deandra Little; Bonnie Mullinix; Laurel Willingham- McLain; Mary-Ann Winkelmes, Suzanne Tapp, Shaun Longstreet, Harriett Richard; Jim Therrell; Eli Collins-Brown; Kevin Johnston
Missing: Angela Linse, Chair of Finance

  • E-minutes were approved (decision made electronically by Executive Committee/Core since Spring 2011 meeting)

Executive Director Report

  • Kevin and Harriette agree to work with Hoag to review registration fees for a possible increase in 2012

Conference Committee

  • The recommendation of Natasha Haugnes and Cassandra Horii as 2012 Conference Chairs was approved.
  • The recommendation of a new type of conference session: a 35-minute research- focused session & the creation of an ad hoc committee to further define the session type and review criteria was approved (Eli,Shaun, Derek, Suzanne, Harriette, Dakin, Peter).
  • The recommendation to revise the topic and audience designation for conference sessions, with help from a Core subcommittee was approved (same group as above).
  • The request to include questions in the annual conference feedback survey for a research project conducted by the Staff and Educational Development Association Conference was approved.
  • The request to revise the POD-Sponsored CFP to allow certain recurring sessions to be proposed/requested without counting toward a given committee’s sole allowed proposal (Dr. Is In; Getting Published in TIA, etc.) was approved with a note that this is a slippery slope, i.e., the practices should be consistent from year to year; please include details annually regarding which ones are recurring/included.
  • The request for Core to recommend a suitable process for rotating leadership/facilitation of the POD-sponsored Getting Started session (tying the leadership perhaps to the IINFD) as approved and referred to the Professional Development Committee.
  • The request to redefine TIGs was approved with a note that they should be intentionally aligned with tracks & continue to dialogue throughout the year. Also, if TIGs are aligned with sessions, this can be part of the pool that reviews focused topics.
  • The request for assistance in improving the proposal review process was referred back to the Conference Committee with ad hoc committee named above.

Discussion: How can Core help? Should Core help conference team to make decisions? We need a section in the GM re: Conference Committee. How can Core support long-term thinking about the conference? Revisit how proposal reviewers are chosen/selected. Mentoring? Should people with 0 years experience be reviewing? Would help for ongoing feedback from president to chairs re: making good choices.

  • The request for approval not to change the policy regarding the number of conference session proposals an individual allowed to submit was approved.

Diversity Committee

  • The request to change the Diversity Committee section of Governance Manual was approved by forwarding this to the Governance Committee which is currently gathering items for the GM to be approved in Spring 2012.


  • The request to allocate up to $1500 of the $20,000 already earmarked for a new POD website to hire a website consultant was approved (not an off-cycle budget request). Consultant will review the RFP and our needs and make estimate for financial commitment.

Finance Committee

  • The request to name this committee Finance Committee was approved.

GPSD Committee

  • no action items

Grants Committee

  • no action items


  • The request to create History Committee was approved.
  • The request for $1000 for continued digitization of POD archives will be revisited in the spring.

Innovation Award Subcommittee

  • The request if the “innovation/originality” element of the award can be weighed more heavily and the question: does Core need to approve changes in overall evaluation process? was referred back to committee; chair is empowered to make this change.

Membership Committee

  • no action items

Menges Award Subcommittee

  • The request to use the rubric that was tested July-August of 2011 was approved.
  • The request to present a certificate to Gay Menges this Friday night was approved.
  • The request to award one plaque per institution will be revisited in the spring. Professional Development Committee
  • The request to establish a procedure for identifying topics and staffing future POD-sponsored sessions at the POD/AAC&U Institute was approved.
  • The request to establish a process to review unsolicited proposals was approved. Publications Committee
  • The request to distribute a brief survey to POD membership on the electronic version of the newsletter was approved.
  • The request to extend the digital pilot of the electronic issue of the newsletter was approved.

Research Committee

  • The request to share the full POD membership survey report to the POD membership was approved.
  • The request to archive all surveys on wikiPODia was approved.
  • The request to post instructions on POD-sponsored surveys was approved.
  • The request to post an online directory of POD researchers was approved.

Small College Committee

  • no action items

Spirit of POD Subcommittee

  • The request to go over budget by $50 for the SPOD award (due to possibly 2 nominees) required no action as the budget was not exceeded.

Governance Manual Report, Peter

  • Governance Manual revision should focus on clarity, simplicity, usefulness. Planning to have new GM one month before Core meeting in March to review. Will be shifting from 3 sections to 2 sections.

Discussion: Regarding committee sections, we should have an overview of how committees work, how the leadership works; we should have a template for committees re: their reports and their sections in the GM. We need clarity about how to change the committee sections; the word “charge” might be problematic.

October 27

Present: Phyllis Dawkins, President; Peter Felten, Past President; Michele DiPietro, President Elect; Hoag Holmgren, Executive Director; Kevin Barry; Derek Bruff; Dakin Burdick; Therese Huston; Deandra Little; Bonnie Mullinix; Laurel Willingham- McLain; Mary-Ann Winkelmes, Suzanne Tapp, Shaun Longstreet, Harriett Richard; Jim Therrell; Eli Collins-Brown; Kevin Johnston

Missing: Angela Linse, Finance Chair

Presidential Candidates
Discussion | Election (with clickers) Kathryn Plank is elected.

NEA Meeting

  • NEA is interested in continued collaborations with POD, as is POD with NEA.
  • Work group identified (Jim, Dakin, Phyllis, Hoag) to work after conference on the NEA Priority Schools Campaign and to meet in Washington, D.C..

Ad Hoc Committee on POD Membership Survey Access and Use

  • The following requests were approved for the committee’s next steps:
    • Developing guidelines for appropriate use of data (internally and externally);
    • Developing a request process including criteria, review procedures and response timelines;
    • Suggest a process (possibly in collaboration with the ECRC) for preserving and protecting membership survey data in a secure, password-protected digital archive

IINFD Report, Michele
Should the name be international or not? What are the implications for and INFD and an IINFD? We should review the percentage share of profits for future institutes. Jim says 75/25 is typical. The next CFP and review process should allow host institution over a year to prepare.

Collaborations and Partnerships

Ad Hoc committee created for Spring 2012 meeting, to determine process for establishing, renewing, assessing (Shaun, Laurel, Michele, Bonnie, Phyllis, Hoag)
This should be included in the Strategic Plan. Marketing Ad Hoc Committee (Jim and Eli)

Advocacy & Public Relations
Responding to Crises Ad Hoc Committee (Derek, Deandra, Eli, Michele, Hoag)

ICED, Phyllis

Definite need to have a more sustained presence by one person representing POD; ICED is declaring themselves as the international consortium; we should revisit how the POD president interacts.

Spring 2012 Core Meeting
TBD by survey after conference


Minutes compiled by Hoag Holmgren, Executive Director